Did anyone have problems with 6.10 download?


XXI Century Explorer
Original poster
Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Feb 16, 2004
If you experienced any problems with the 6.10 download last night or this morning please report them here.

Your reports will help VOOM engineers in troubleshooting.
If you had any problems, please post the details, including the version number before the download.

If your STB is locked up, try this:

1. SOFT REBOOT: Press and hold the power button on the STB itself for 10 seconds. The amber lights will start blinking. Wait a few minutes. If the screen is dark and the satellite icon is off, press the power button once to turn the STB on.

2. HARD REBOOT: Unplug the STB for 10 seconds and plug it in again. Wait a few minutes. If the screen is black, press the the power button once to turn the STB on.

3. If the box is still dead, CALL VOOM and request a replacement.​
I guess my upgrade occurred without any hiccups. I woke up this morning and it was upgraded.

However, I had no program guide info. Waited almost 2 hours for it to populate. It never did.

I did a reboot and the program guide came up within 10 minutes.

I have had no other problems.
Upgrade occured last night. Box was locked this morning. Now appears dead. Unplugged it and waited, plugged it back in and all lights are on. Display reads 88:88. Tried numerous reboots (SW & HW). Voom says they will be on-site in a week.
Got the update.

Went to bed with the unit off,

Woke up with the unit on (Green Satellite and a : in the time display area) and a pink screen. I let it sit for an hour then did a reset on the unit (Pressed and held the power button)

Once I did that all was good.

Like the upgrade so far although the unit cant scan one of my off air channels which I receive at 100% on my Dish 6000.
Read the forum and crossed fingers for upgrade. Turned STB off and went to bed. Woke up and the unit was on (Green Satellite and a : in the time display area). Turned TV on and no picture. STB was locked. Rebooted the STB and everything is working fine. Even picked up a new OTA channels (channel 38 in SF, I'm in Sacramento). thanks
I came home today and checkec to see if I have been targeted with the new software on the two stb. The one with my HDTV has been targetted, but he stb upstairs has not.
I was awake when the upgrade started yesterday night. Switched it on today and the PG took much longer than usual to populate. I did not see any transparent menu and neither did i find the manual scanning for OTA. Since then i have lost picture on a few channels while watching & signal strength becoming very erratic(good weather). The receiver also locked up twice, most recently a few mins ago. I had to do a manual power reset both times.
The system settings menu is same as before.
I just received my updae at 2amEastern Time tonight. When it finished, I really didn't see anything new, like transparant menu.
its doing the upgrade now for me

top right is a timer, right now at 18:47 indicating how long its taken so far

rest of the screen has numbers and letters, where only a few changes/goes up & down.

not sure if its the way it should be, but ill let it go.

edit: all blue, now all pink...

the two orange lights that were blinking has now stopped, they are both lit up :shocked :D

front rebooted, and now i got picture :D time to play
it's 5:40AM Central here and I just checked the STB connected to My HDTV and apparently it was frozen all night. it had no lights, nothing. I rebooted it went to the download screen. At first it looked like it wasn't doing anything :no but now it does appear that it is downloading :)
STB was not targeted when I shut off last night around 11:00est. Just checked my stb this morning... it was dead. Held power until soft boot occured, still dead. Pushed on/off two more times. STB came back to life. Still version 5.68, but now I'm targeted for 1.10.
After download of ver 6.10, the signal quality dropped from 96% to 75% and pixelations or dropouts are occurring on many channel feeds. I did get a few new mappings of OTA channels. Any suggestions as what to do for restoring the signal strength received by the dish?
Now 5:30 AM Mountain time. Target version is set for 1.10, and current version is 5.68. So status is 'targeted but skipped'. Everything still works fine with 5.68.
I got it. No problems. Seems to work. Since this update was 2 months late whens the next one coming? I feel like I just bought a new mustang Cobra and Ford is mailing the pieces to me.
Looks like I may have gotten the update last night. Went to turn on the Voom box this morning, and nothing. Did a soft reset and it comes up with some junk and a counter in the upper right. I'm assuming it's actually doing the download now... I'll check back this afternoon and see what happens.

Ok, woke up this morning and the box is dead. I have tried 3 warm reboots and a cold reboot and still nothing. This isn't funny.
txdude said:
it's 5:40AM Central here and I just checked the STB connected to My HDTV and apparently it was frozen all night. it had no lights, nothing. I rebooted it went to the download screen. At first it looked like it wasn't doing anything :no but now it does appear that it is downloading :)

Glad to report that the update completed on all my STBs with no further problems :up
Upgrade went without a problem early am on the 28th. While testing the channels early (7am) this morning, I noticed servere breakup of HD channels, but that cleared up about 8am central time. Has worked perfect with no microstutters for over an hour.

Constant breakups since with new software

How Can You Get The Transparent Guide ?

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