DirecTV cancellation

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Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 9, 2014
Vancouver, WA
My contract runs out on at 30th Nov. I may continue if I can get a better deal than I am getting now. Should I call retention now or wait till a week before end of contract?

If I decide to cancel then can I schedule a specific day ( ex Nov 27th ) for cancellation or is the date effective the day I call. Will I have to pay fees since its only a few days from end of contract?

wait until its fully ran out
just call in to cancel, see what they offer

if you call in demanding a deal, you will most likely not get much
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They refuse to renew my current package ( Choice + HD DVR +Slave unit + Whole house DVR service ) for my current cost of $65/ mo. incl taxes and fees . Actually they wanted $84 for the same or lesser package for new contract. I cancelled the service . Will go with Xfinity . Too bad , they don't seem very flexible.
They refuse to renew my current package ( Choice + HD DVR +Slave unit + Whole house DVR service ) for my current cost of $65/ mo. incl taxes and fees . Actually they wanted $84 for the same or lesser package for new contract. I cancelled the service . Will go with Xfinity . Too bad , they don't seem very flexible.
You are still under contract. They have no reason to offer you a discount.
But I am 2 1/2 weeks from end of contract. Surely it makes sense for them to secure a current customer for another year ? Anyway I am cancelling on 11/26.
You are still under contract. Let it run past the end of your contract, then call and see if they are more cooperative.
You will receive mailers and calls to come back.
I’d wait a bit to go to another provider.
If your internet is strong enough for streaming, get Sling Tv, PlayStation Vue or a few others for only a month and Directv will be in touch.
You are all correct. They called back today and offered me my current package at slightly better monthly cost but also included $200 prepaid visa card. . Net cost was where I wanted to be. I accepted the offer.
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You are all correct. They called back today and offered me my current package at slightly better monthly cost but also included $200 prepaid visa card. . Net cost was where I wanted to be. I accepted the offer.

make sure you verify everything in the confirmation email, and on the first bill

customer service is know to be less than 100% accurate at times
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