Dish Signal Strength Table...


SatelliteGuys Pro
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Mar 21, 2009
The Beach.
At one time there was a table in Excel of what signal strength should be off of certain transponders from certain satellites and it was a nice table that somebody put together. But I think it was during the Hopper with Sling era. Is there a new table for Hopper 3s or just a current new table?

Sent from my SM-T280 using the SatelliteGuys app!
The very old Excel table I have (somewhere) that I downloaded In addition to showing signal strengths showed what ARC was recommended for the then Markets DISH had (less than they now have) and it was posted around the time Tampa was put back to the Western Arc to get less rain fade which is why I downloaded it - to get the installer to change me over which DISH did do for me!

I wish a new one would come out.
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I have the original a copy somewhere, but not knowing what was used as the physical title, it's impossible to search terabytes of data to find it. I just want to use it to verify my two dish revamp. One of the things I was really looking for was not numbers persé, but the Transponders and whatnot to check. But the numbers would be a bit of a help.

Was thinkin' if anyone knew . . .
Here's one actually a little newer than the one I downloaded. Of course before Hoppers.

List of the Minimum and Average Thresholds

(I can't believe I remembered the name of this thread)

"That's it!" "You Win!" if not close and exactly all I was looking for.

Matilda, tell him what he won. . . . "You Win the Internet!!!!"

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So here are the results . . . any thoughts would be appreciated . . .

Bird x Transponder - Listed / Is
110x14 - 50/66
110x15 - 57/69
110x16 - 58/73
110x21 - 60/73

119x15 - 63/52
119x16 - 62/52
119x21 - 65/52
Wing Dish
129x19 - 40/53
129x20 - 41/50
129x29 - 41/52
129x30 - 40/47

Both dishes are supposedly aligned so that the main birds get the best they can. I got the feeling that the Exec Tech that did the "up top" work, hurried it a touch.
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So here are the results . . . any thoughts would be appreciated . . .

Bird x Transponder - Listed / Is
110x14 - 50/66
110x15 - 57/69
110x16 - 58/73
110x21 - 60/73

119x15 - 63/52
119x16 - 62/52
119x21 - 65/52
Wing Dish
129x19 - 40/53
129x20 - 41/50
129x29 - 41/52
129x30 - 40/47

Both dishes are supposedly aligned so that the main birds get the best they can. I got the feeling that the Exec Tech that did the "up top" work, hurried it a touch.
Your readings are all just fine. I had a look on my setup and I am within a few numbers of everything you posted. If you are concerned about your 129 numbers, they are all just fine. 129 has always had lower numbers and work just fine that way.
Your readings are all just fine. I had a look on my setup and I am within a few numbers of everything you posted. If you are concerned about your 129 numbers, they are all just fine. 129 has always had lower numbers and work just fine that way.
I agree. Those numbers look like what I would expect from my 129, with a similar setup, using a wing dish for 129.
Your readings are all just fine. I had a look on my setup and I am within a few numbers of everything you posted. If you are concerned about your 129 numbers, they are all just fine. 129 has always had lower numbers and work just fine that way.
Cool. Thank you.
Not really "concerned", but curious.

Thanks again.
So if my 129 numbers are good, of which when the tech re-anchored that dish I heard him mumble that at 53 it was the best it could be when he was resighting it, my next question is "when is 'Sun in the Dish time?" I am getting intermittent macro blocking/breakup on 129 channels. Now I haven't noticed it at night or was not sober enough to probably. When everything is macro blocking.

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That was Mooooving tribute.......

Matilda (that's her stage name, it's actually Bessie) and I hope you enjoy your ownership of the Internet. One favor, please turn porn back on. Bessie been a real cow since she can't see her crush pics.
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Very helpful - thank you for that!
Please note there's a typo in the Los Angeles state code on all worksheets in the workbook - should be CA; shows Louisiana (LA).
Ha! Los Angeles, LA is a very common typo. I even saw that once in a list of Designated Market Areas from Nielsen Media Research. It is the second largest market in the country, so they really should have spotted that and corrected it before it was published.
Your readings are all just fine. I had a look on my setup and I am within a few numbers of everything you posted. If you are concerned about your 129 numbers, they are all just fine. 129 has always had lower numbers and work just fine that way.

After reading through this all again and looking at the numbers and 129 which should have no variables such as having to deal with other birds, I'm wondering with the 119 numbers lower than listed, if the 1k2 dish isn't aligned as it should be to get the best for 110 & 119, forgetting 129 since it's on its own?
After reading through this all again and looking at the numbers and 129 which should have no variables such as having to deal with other birds, I'm wondering with the 119 numbers lower than listed, if the 1k2 dish isn't aligned as it should be to get the best for 110 & 119, forgetting 129 since it's on its own?
As I said in my original post, I tested all 3 satellites on every transponder you showed and I was within 1 or 2 of every number you posted. I have zero issues with any channel on any satellite.
After reading through this all again and looking at the numbers and 129 which should have no variables such as having to deal with other birds, I'm wondering with the 119 numbers lower than listed, if the 1k2 dish isn't aligned as it should be to get the best for 110 & 119, forgetting 129 since it's on its own?
That was my thought when I read the numbers, that the dish was peaked for the highest signal on 110, without worrying about 119 as much. Normally, the process would be to peak the dish for 119, and hope that 110 and 129 fall into line as well as possible. In this case, since they did not have to worry about peaking 129 on that dish, they may have peaked it for the best signal on 110 instead. Having said that, all of the numbers look fine, and should still provide a very reliable signal.
That was my thought when I read the numbers, that the dish was peaked for the highest signal on 110, without worrying about 119 as much. Normally, the process would be to peak the dish for 119, and hope that 110 and 129 fall into line as well as possible. In this case, since they did not have to worry about peaking 129 on that dish, they may have peaked it for the best signal on 110 instead. Having said that, all of the numbers look fine, and should still provide a very reliable signal.

On the 110 & 119 I was expecting more from 119 since it doesn't have to compete with 129. I use to sight my own dishes and might go up and play a bit. Who knows what I could come up with. Like I said the Tech wasn't all that into doing it. It really wasn't his job. He was out with a FS and wanted to check out the part of the work order that said a 40' ladder would be needed. He said since he got his ladder out and up the side, he'd do all the work up to. But when I explained what happening he kinda got that "deer in the headlights" look for a second. I also had to tell him how to do the two dish wiring, but he showed me the two Solo Hubs wiring. I have a meter and will go see what I can find out.
As I said in my original post, I tested all 3 satellites on every transponder you showed and I was within 1 or 2 of every number you posted. I have zero issues with any channel on any satellite.

So my only remaining question is that if the numbers on 129 are good, why all of a sudden am I getting macro-blocking on 129 programming. Especially since when I check the meter every time it happens and 129 is good. Sometimes really good. So is it DISH or the H3 or Poltergeist? That's why asked about Solar Interference.
You can have good signal and still get pixelation if the lnb is on the skids. Swapping it out would be a good start.
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Bizarre Coincidence?

Hopper to Hopper transfer

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