Famed Philly sports writer Bill Conlin resigns after alleged abuse...


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Jun 1, 2004
South Florida
Rival newspaper, Philadelphia Enquirer breaks story. According to Deadspin, Conlin immediately resigns.

The sexual abuse supposedly happened 40 or so years ago.

I read a little bit about this in the paper, and it sounds like the family members knew, and even confronted Conlin back then, but they decided not to call the police.

Rival newspaper, Philadelphia Enquirer breaks story. According to Deadspin, Conlin immediately resigns.

The sexual abuse supposedly happened 40 or so years ago.


WHAT IN THE EFF is going on in Pennsyvania?!!!

Sandusky, Fine (allegations happened in PA) and now this guy?! Sick, sick, sick!!!
WHAT IN THE EFF is going on in Pennsyvania?!!!

Sandusky, Fine (allegations happened in PA) and now this guy?! Sick, sick, sick!!!

Unfortunately, this happens everywhere. Pennsylvania is just a coincidence at the moment.

Only a tiny fraction of sexual abuse against kids ever becomes public.

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According to 'Sports by Brooks', Urban Meyer is new....

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