FCC Works on Satellite Offerings and Rural Service


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Las Vegas, Nevada
From our friends at SKyReport.com

The Federal Communications Commission is planning a Satellite Rural Forum focusing on dish-based services serving remote and underserved parts of the country. The forum is scheduled for Jan. 27, and will be held at the FCC's headquarters in Washington, D.C.

The all-day event is open to the public. FCC Chairman Michael Powell will open the forum.

The forum will feature satellite-based communications systems serving rural areas, and will include four panels as well as demonstrations and exhibits. The event will highlight telemedicine and distance learning, public safety and homeland security, agriculture and farming.

Also, satellite-based broadband access and entertainment services will be discussed at the forum.

The FCC International Bureau, the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau and Office of Strategic Planning are coordinating the event. For more information, visit: http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/rural/.
Basically the FCC thinks the internet and local channels should be available to everyone without limitations just as the phone is, to make it the norm, to allow everyone access to information and to communicate. Its all about communications. Receiving local channels and especially internet access is an advanced way to communicate and expand potential for individuals and what they can do.

How many receivers without a phone line connection?

FCC Ponders DBS Satellite Spacing Issues

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