Film Fest HD (103): Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky in Our Time 10pm ET

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
Whether Noam Chomsky, the MIT linguist and political philosopher, is the most important intellectual alive, as the New York Times once famously called him, is open for debate. But without a doubt, Chomsky, now 73, is one of the most straight-talking and committed dissidents of our time. A steadfast critic of United States foreign policy for decades, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, his profile took a quantum leap as he provided much-needed analysis and historical perspective to concerned citizens throughout the world. In the months that followed, he gave dozens of talks on four continents, conducted scores of interviews, and wrote a book 9-11 that was published in 22 countries and became a surprise bestseller in many of them, including Japan. Chomsky's voice may be unpopular, but his incisive arguments, based on decades of research and analysis, are heard and considered in this chronicle comprised of interview footage, and various talks he's given. Chomsky places the terrorist attacks in the context of American foreign intervention throughout the postwar decades--in Vietnam, Central America, the Middle East, and elsewhere. Beginning with the fundamental principle that the exercise of violence against civilian populations is terror, regardless of whether the perpetrator is a well-organized band of Muslim extremists, or the most powerful state in the world. Chomsky, in stark and uncompromising terms, challenges the United States to apply to its own actions the moral standards it demands of others.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Jan 2, 2005
Rock Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!
103 Filmfest: Noam Chomsky

If you wanna see what a piece of sh*t liberal looks like tune in now!!!

Let's add a Ward Churchill documentary to this channel so we can get an even better perspective of the US commies known as libs!!

It is truly educational.

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
topics merged.


I agree completely. This documentary opens the ideas and possibilities of things that we are not exposed to. Just to hear a different pespective makes you go, WOW. BTW, the PQ was great.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Jan 2, 2005
Rock Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I didn't see your thread to post in it.

Damn, I am glad to see your initial post is prolly a cut and paste from the program guide.

I agree that alternative views are needed.

Idiots like Noam let the average people realize what the lib agenda is. We need liberal publicity to increase conservative peoples. They think they are getting their word out to the masses. They actually are getting their word out. They don't realize that people don't agree with them.

That is a good thing!!! :D :D


Mar 4, 2005
Freedom Of Speech

Ronald_Jeremy said:
If you wanna see what a piece of sh*t liberal looks like tune in now!!!

Let's add a Ward Churchill documentary to this channel so we can get an even better perspective of the US commies known as libs!!

It is truly educational.
Have you Ever Heard of This Great Idea

Freedom Of Speech Even In Colleges And Universities. It is a Fundamental Right and Unlike the Right. We know what is Just and the RIght of all Americans even College Teachers to Give their Opinions and not have the Fear of some Pin head Talk Show Host or RIght winged Closed Minded People to get them to shut Up.


SatelliteGuys Family
Feb 16, 2005
I hope they repeat this so I can see it. I saw Noam Chomsky on the Bill Mahr show on HBO a while back and his views were pretty interesting. Maybe pretty far out there, but interesting.

I keep finding cool stuff to watch on Voom thanks to this forum!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Jan 2, 2005
Rock Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!
eboiowa said:
Have you Ever Heard of This Great Idea

Freedom Of Speech Even In Colleges And Universities. It is a Fundamental Right and Unlike the Right. We know what is Just and the RIght of all Americans even College Teachers to Give their Opinions and not have the Fear of some Pin head Talk Show Host or RIght winged Closed Minded People to get them to shut Up.
I am all for Freedom of Speech. Unlike libs.

I have no problem with Freedom of Speech. That is why I asked people to tune in to watch it. He goes against every grain in my body yet I still want people to see it.

Libs, on the other hand, believe in Freedom of Speech ONLY if they agree with the Speech. If someone speaks to the contrary of Lib beliefs, then they try to quash the words. They especially love to use the courts to try to do this.

Freedom of Speech, however, does not come without repercussions. If someone challenges the speaker then that is also Freedom of Speech. You cannot say that X can say such and such and then chastise Y for challenging X. The knife cuts both ways. They both have the freedom.

You also cannot chastise people for asserting their rights to free speech no matter the form. If someone from a university espouses an opinion that is contrary to an institution's beliefs, then the institution has a right to take action whether it be sanctions or firing or even taking a blind eye.

Libs are the only one's that try to quash free speech. They stay one step away from using the word censorship. They do that because they know it won't fly. Censorship only applies to governments.

In the free market censorship does not apply. That is because if an institution decides to take actions on one's words, the opportunity is always there for someone to step up to take the challenge to promote those words if they want to. That is why Libs hate the free market and desire a police state.

"You can say what you want as long as you agree with me. Otherwise STFU." The mantra of the left.

Case in point your very own reply to me. You don't challenge my assertions. You challenge my right to say them.

I actually asked people to tune in to hear him and you still have a problem with what I said.

And you wonder why you have lost the House, the Senate, the White House, (soon the Supreme Court), Governorships, State Assemblies, and local elections!!!!!

Open your eyes. Or maybe you don't want to!!!






SatelliteGuys Pro
Jan 2, 2005
Rock Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!
ChrisDuncan said:
I hope they repeat this so I can see it. I saw Noam Chomsky on the Bill Mahr show on HBO a while back and his views were pretty interesting. Maybe pretty far out there, but interesting.

I keep finding cool stuff to watch on Voom thanks to this forum!
BTW, Bill Mahrhehreherrhehr is funny.(Even though I don't agree with his politics) But after him leading Ward Churchill's answers last week because Ward was too stoned to answer questions, I am starting to look over my view of Bill. :smug


SatelliteGuys Pro
Feb 19, 2005
Wow political debate.. We need some more voom news or we'll all be killing each other here..

BTW Ronald well said.. :)


SatelliteGuys Pro
Feb 21, 2004
I missed it, but it looks similar to "Distorted Morality". I couldn't find it on the Tribune online guide to catch the next airing.

Anyone who finds him interesting (whether they agree with his views or not), should check out "Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media" (1992) on DVD. It's long (2:45) and on a single DVD so it's really compressed, but in my opinion worth seeing.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Jan 2, 2005
Rock Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!
houselog442 said:
like we need views from people like noam chomsky and ward churchhill who are in love with the communist manifesto
Watch it and promote it.

I haven't seen it myself but if it is anywhere near the drivel spewed forth in the other fecal matter that I have seen from these guys, it will do nothing but help the conservative cause.

Like I said before, the liberal agenda needs to be heard. It must be heard. It is imperative.

It strengthens the conservative cause. Believe it or not, when people hear their Bullsh!t, they realize how far out into left field libs are. It moves peeps to our side that weren't there previously. :D

And that is all good!!!!!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Jan 21, 2005
Titusville, FL
That reminds me of what Rush Limbaugh said, they ought to not fire Ward Churchhill, but promote him so that he can be more seen by America as the true face of the American Left. Did you know he is now being linked to plagarism too? So typical from a communist subverter


SatelliteGuys Pro
Feb 21, 2004
Ronald_Jeremy said:
Watch it and promote it.

I haven't seen it myself but if it is anywhere near the drivel spewed forth in the other fecal matter that I have seen from these guys, it will do nothing but help the conservative cause.

Like I said before, the liberal agenda needs to be heard. It must be heard. It is imperative.

It strengthens the conservative cause. Believe it or not, when people hear their Bullsh!t, they realize how far out into left field libs are. It moves peeps to our side that weren't there previously. :D

And that is all good!!!!!

Since I haven't seen the latest documentary I can't comment on the "fecal factor" for comparison, but you may be surprised by "Manufacturing Consent". It was released in 1992 and is just as highly critical of what is now referred to as the "Media Elite" as many of the right leaning punditry is today.

Anyway- in general I think that it's always a good idea to gather information from a variety of sources, watch documentaries from different ends of the spectrum and draw your own conclusions.

Ronald_Jeremy, I'm interested in your opinion of it after you've seen in (since it sounds like you're willing to give it a try).


SatelliteGuys Pro
Jan 2, 2005
Rock Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would not mind seeing it. I like hearing all sides. My blood pressure goes up really high when I watch these shows, but I am willing to watch them.

But I will not enrich him just to see it. If I run across it somewhere, I will make a point to watch it but I won't rent the DVD nor will I purchase it.

As for the right-leaning media elite and punditry.

There is one network that perhaps could be considered right-leaning. The others are left-leaning or far left. Not sure how one little ole network could counterbalance all of the others. :confused:

And as for the punditry comment. You should try to separate talk shows (infotainment) from actual newscasts. Looking strictly at what news is covered and how it is covered, it is clearly far left. :rolleyes:


SatelliteGuys Pro
Feb 21, 2004
"little 'ole network" :)

(we're starting to move into "chit-chat" territory here but...)

That doesn't exist anymore. Even at the local level. Most former locally owned stations have been co-opted by the majors. And I did use the term punditry to separate actual news from opinion/talk (so yes, I do know the difference :D), though the lines are pretty blurry, and believe it or not, I'm unhappy with bias on *either* side as far as straight news reporting is concerned. I'd prefer my news to be dry, factual and straightforward, but that doesn't really exist (that would be considered "boring" and not get ratings - though HD News tends to be on the calmer dryer side but whenever I watch it seems to be covering weather or sports), so I have to look to several sources, try to ignore hyped-up sensationalism and within that try to figure out the real story.

Punditry- polarization is the current state and I am just as critical of Al Franken or James Carville as I am of Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly. To me it's just a bunch of people yelling at each other and nothing meaningful accomplished, but then again it's not really *meant* to be. That would be boring and result in low ratings.

As for myself- I tend to lean towards the left and am Democratic party in name (so I could vote in primaries) but am unhappy with the current "poor us" attitude expressed by many of the Democratic party nowadays. Though I'm guilty myself in my own writings at times. But I don't follow all party beliefs in lockstep.

But back to documentaries- they are in many cases outlets for opinion/agenda but nevertheless I can usually find something interesting whether or not I agree with the viewpoint. For example- I just watched "Control Room". Did I agree with everything in it? No. But that doesn't mean I wasn't interested. I'll be watching FarenHYPE 9/11 soon. Will I agree with everything in that either? I doubt it. But that won't stop me from watching it.

Cinemax HD East: The Road Warrior 6:30pm ET and 9:30pm ET

Film Fest HD (103): Full Tilt Boogie 5pm ET & 10pm ET

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