First time setup please help

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Original poster
Nov 28, 2006
i have ViewSat 2000 Ut with HH90 motor and 36" dish. I have set it up everything acording to manual, and nothing hapened. My motor does not turn, looks like there is no power going to motor or something. it is brand new system and i have no knowlge of how to get started.
I setup my dish pointing south
I setup elevation acording to my location
and when I try to use USALS setup nothing hapens.
Is there any I'm missing on setup?
IS there special configs in order to get the motor moving
how do I check if the motor is good?

Please help and Thank you

I can tell you that from everything I have read, viewsats and motors do not play well together.

Does your motor have led that idicates power is being received? Mine has a green light on the underside that blinks periodically
I dont know about viewsat, but on dreambox you have to enter your long/lat for every lnb on the motor, ie invacom qph-031 is treated as two different lnb's, one linear, one circular.
no my motor does not have led, so i have no idea if there is power going to. and i put my latitude and longitude as per my location.
does any body has ViewSat 2000 U? and maybe can send me how he\she configured it?

Thank you
What model motor is it? maybe someone here has one and can help.
Does your motor have a button to manually move the dish? Maybe try pressing it and see if the dish will move, at least then you will know if it's getting power.

The only people I know personally and online that have viewsats use them on a fixed dish due to motor control problems. I have never used one first hand however.
A mistake that I made when I first hooked up my motorized setup was to put the 4x1 diseqc switch between the receiver and the motor.

Is your motor connected directly to the back of the receiver without going through any switches/splitters?
Model of motor is HH90. I can control it from ViewSat manu to manuly move. but it does not work
Davage, i put 4x1 diseqc between lnb and motor would that screw up something?
one more questions i have guys. I have Invacom QPH-031 Quad LNBF that has 4 outlet 2 are marked "L" and 2 are marked "C" where do I conect coax cable?
For my initial setup, I left the 4x1 diseqc switch out of the setup all together. I hooked up the motor direct to one of the outputs on the LNB and did my initial testing that way. I've only recently put the diseqc switch back on. Sounds like your setup *should* work the way you've got it. (referring to diseqc switch between motor and LNB. I'm not familiar with the QPH-031 Quad. I'll have to let somebody else answer that question)
Leaving the switch out of your setup for now would not be a bad idea - one less thing to go wrong.

But you are correct to place the switch between the LNB and the motor.

L = linear polarization, C= circular polarization. Connect one L and one C to LNB ports on your switch (you will be left with two open ports on the switch.) Just remember which port you are using for linear and which you are using for circular.

If you do proceed without a switch just connect one of the linear outputs to the motor. Nearly all FTA is linear.
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