Galaxy 3c

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Aug 12, 2006
I was looking at lyngsat and wondered if this ABC channel

WTXL-TV (ABC - Tallahassee) Galaxy 3C at 95.0°W was an East ABC network channel?
never mind guys I went to fast on lyngs chart I see its C-band won't do me any good right now
Yes it is. If they ever get there new studio's completed in Tallahassee, I expect this channel to disappear. They were, a while back, sharing a studio with another local station in Tallahassee, and were kicked out. Then, there transmiting tower collapsed. A new one is up, I think, but they are getting everything done in Arkansas, via satellite. I'm sure when they have a studio in Tallahassee, the satellite connection will be broken. Then again, maybe not? The other day when Arkansas had the severe weather problems, the ABC lover's in Tallahassee were without any ABC.

yeah after looking at lyngsatellite I seen it was C band.was looking for some ABC on KU band.
Seems to be two on Galaxy 10..

I was using LyngSat but, not anymore.. Mike's list is up to date and much easier to use..
yeah I have noticed that about lyngs.had some stuff listed as clear but it wasnt

still going to find me a C-band dish tho hehe
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Hi Wyldcherry
G10r has two ABC stations on it, along with alot of RTN.
If you haven't checked it out yet you may want to.
Thanks found that out actually had to add some TP's my Traxis wasn't scanning.
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