Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

lets see
1.99 Monday
went to work and SuperGouge went to 2.19
everyone went to 2.19 Tuesday
now yesterday SuperGouge went to 2.39 but backed down to 2.29
everyone else still 2.19
$2.29 is the price in all areas around here. The same price is more prevalent than before the increase where the prices were different place to place. Got only one locally that is $2.19 which I filled up at $2.08 before they raised their price knowing the others already did. Seeing a nearby city going up to $2.35
All the Speedway stations on my 35 mile drive to work jumped to $2.19 today. Every other station is still at $1.85.

Speedway is always pulling crap like this at least once a week. They jump their price WAY up for NO reason, except to grab some extra profit for a time. There's enough choices that you'd think people would have figured it out by now, and not buy from them during that time.

That is why we call it SuperGOUGEAmerica here in Minnesota
(same company...different name)
I actually went back to E85 today topping off before snow moves in tonight. $1.98 for regular E10 unleaded and $1.76 for E85.

Had been opposite for last 6 weeks. E85 was 30 to 40 cents more than regular unleaded.
interesting. I thought E85 was always suppose to be lower as you get worse fuel mileage (and less gas is being used)

Here is fluctuates with the price of regular. The higher regular goes up, the lower E85 goes down. When gas was 3.50 a gallon, E85 would be almost a buck less. Now with it at 2.19 E85 is only 40 cents cheaper
I get around 1 to 1.5 mpg less on E85 around town. It had been 25-30 cents cheaper all summer until gas really started dropping and E85 held firm. We don't have as many E85 stations around here as the Midwest has. Oklahoma is a big oil and gas state and most places won't sell E85.
Kum n Go is about the only place to get E85 and that is just at their new stations as they have done upgrades or built new in the last year and a half. Quick Trip is trying to play their political card and threatening to go back to straight gas only but everyone knows they can't compete on price if they do it.