General Sports Trivia

I was going to post the answer this morning since it was in the paper this morning. I thought a Tiger fan would have posted the answer already, since Rod and Mario have been talking about this for a couple of weeks now. (Rod and Mario are the Tiger's TV announcers. Jimbo, where is the Rod Allen mute button on my HR20-100 remote control?)
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? :D

After lunch I will have one up.
What were the Washington Redskins originally called?
Who is the only man to play a Major League Baseball game and an NFL game in the same day as well as the only man to play in both a Super Bowl and World Series?
What was the first puck used in a game of ice hockey made out of?
wasnt it a rubber ball that got transformed into a puck by cutting the top and bottom off?
edit: my cousin also says the rubber was then changed to a round piece of wood.
What was the first puck used in a game of ice hockey made out of?

(trick question?) When the game was still called Canadian rules bandy = round ball. Later that was cut down on top & bottom to create a disk of sorts; the first known "puck".

others "unofficial" pucks included: stones, lumps of coal, or frozen cow or horse poop.
Frozen cow patty was the answer I was looking for.
Alright charper1, we are waiting on the next question.
how about this, what happens this year in every post game interview for the cleveland indians on sports time ohio (think a gag.)

also I have seen this posted on espn, and other sports news, so its not just a regional question others should know.

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