GEOSat channels problem


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2008
Hi Folks, :)

I gotta problem for ya, and I hope that any of you that uses GeoSat receiver, could help me with answers.

Okay, I'll do my best explaining the dilemma.

I hope you can try to follow my dilemma. There's no screen shot pictures,
and etc. that would've been help to see. But hope you'll get the picture as I explains. :rolleyes:

I inserted the USB stick drive onto the rare end of the GeoSat receiver that has a USB port.
Then I was able to SAVE the "Defualtdb.ddf" which has the list of channels. So, I was able to
SAVE that file onto a USB stick drive. Got it???
Then, I took it to the laptop PC, with Windows XP Pro. SP3. And downloaded the Defualtdb.ddf
file. Then I open "AliEditor" program. Which I downloaded from GeoSat website.
Then it allow me to open a file, such as "Defualtdb.ddf".
So, I was able to open the Defualtdb.ddf to view list of channels that I had installed on GeoSat
receiver. I wanted to make changes, which I did, because when I installed satellite, I noticed that
I've installed the same satellite, 2 or 3 times. Oops!!! So, that was my first try. So, when I ntoce
the duplicates of satellites channels, I decided to delete some of the duplicates by using the AliEditor
So, I've done that changes. So, NO duplicate channels.
Now, which format am I suppose to "Export" the changes???

Here's the problem that I'm expericing..

What SAVE type as??? Am I supoose to save as in "ddf"???
The NEW name for the save file is "Userdb". And the first option it brings up is
to save as in "ddf".
IF so, I've already did that, and I SAVED onto a USB stick drive, and took it over to the
GeoSat, and download my newest "Userdb.udf" and what happen was once I downloaded
into the GeoSat receiver, it reboot, and all the sudden it shows the menu and it says
"No channel" and "No Satellilte". :confused:
So, what I did was for an EMERGENCY was to download the "AlCode.abs" to get it back to
where it to begin with. Whew, that was a close one!!! ;)

Now, IF I want to put my own "FIXED" channels with no dublicates, what type of save as
am I supose to save???
If I save as open BIN file, abs, it won't let me to.. It pops up a message that says
"Not support Save udf as abs file." :confused:

IF I Save it as in "ddf", it saved, but when I installed in the GeoSat, rebooted it, and NOTHING
happening. All I see is the same with the original channels from the "AlCode.abs". So, that
ddf file I created didn't effect any changes.

So what did I do wrong???

I know I fixed the list of channels by removed or deleted the duplicated channels.
NOT satellites.

Okay??? Can you help me?? I hope that I'll understand you. :rolleyes:

Watching a video on YouTube or from GeoSat site, are difficult to see in detailed.

Hope all helps with answers.

Thank you,

Revision #3, Section "Saving your current settings"

Basically you need to save your settings as a .udf file, not .ddf.

EDIT: VERY IMPORTANT. Do not do any of this until you have upgraded to the latest firmware and are using the latest edition of ALI Editor especially for the GEOSat MicroHD. If your .udf file that you wish to create was used with any other version of ALI Editor or from an earlier firmware of the GEOSat MicroHD, you could end up looping your receiver, making it inoperable.
Last edited:

Nope, as I mentioned in my previous message that SAVE as udf, didn't work. So, I did it again. This time I made screen shots and saved them as in PDF for ou to download and view it, so that you would know what I'm referring to. And to "Northgeorgia", I hope that you'll be abe to view my screen shots to see the prblem.
Or anyone.

Enclosed is the PDF attachment of a screen shots on installing my onw channels as in .udf into the GeoSat
receiver, and look what it says.



  • GeoSat channel problem installing userdd udf file.pdf
    297 KB · Views: 233
That normally works. I suspect a problem with the way it is being output through ALI Editor. Try opening the .UDF file back up in ALI Editor and see what's there.
Ok the only way that I do it and never had a issue is put usb stick in micro Hd press menu go to tools save to usb then save my userdb then safely remove usb take it the computer make a backup of userdb some where on the computer then open Ali editor open userdb edit then save then eject usb install back in miroHd menu tools update via usb update userdb from usb stick let it load up then do a power reset and all my new edited channels show up but that's how it works for me never had a issue always works knock on wood so far hope this helps you out have a good one cheers

Open Box S-9 V-Format question

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