HD LiL for Atlanta set for Nov. 22?

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conekiller said:
So what is the picture quality like?
Since I have the OTA antenna still hooked up (for now), I can actually do a compare.

To me, my wife, and 2 neighbors (both of which have HD, one with Dish and one with DirecTV), they PQ for local HD channels is identical.

Audio is another story. It is actually as good as OTA, but there appear to be occasional dropouts. From what I know from my "inside" contacts at D*TV, this is a known issue that came up first in Detroit, and required some minor "tweaking" on the sat side, and is addressed with a software fix download. I am told that they are aware of the intermittent dropout problem in the Atlanta market, and will have fixed very soon.

All of us viewers unanimously feel that the overall HD image quality on the regualr HD channels is a bit better with the new dish as well, but as you know, that's judgemental. This may or may not also be a result of the new H20 receiver's ability to process MPEG2 better and or MPEG4 in general.
pradike, how long did it take for the installer to point the dish? Also is the pole in cement?
f300v10 said:
pradike, how long did it take for the installer to point the dish? Also is the pole in cement?
The pole is in 75 lbs. of concrete in the hole they dug - it isn't going anywhere!

The dish-pointing actually took about 1 - 1 1/2 hours. Mine was only the second install for this guy, and he admitted that it was a very tricky process. Even 1/4 inch off in one direction could result in the complete loss of one of the 4 active sats you can pull in at this time (1 more will go active in the future).

I watched every step, and even with my experienced technical knowledge, I can tell you that I'd give it a second thought before I'd try a self-install.

For $99 to get the equipment (H20, Dish, new Multiswitch) as well as the install - it semed like a no-brainer to go that way. Getting a credit of $120 to offset the $99 on top of that made it no question.
I agree pradike,

I was overwhelmed with the process. My installer was training to guys at the same time, so I thought id sit and watch him tweek this thing. After watching for 30 mins. or so, my brain was fried. I put up my own 3 LNB dish but there is no way in hell I was going to mess with this thing! I agree, I think the $99 is well worth it if you want to get it done right! They also made sure mine was cemented and sturdy before leaving and I must admit, Im not going to touch it either.
I also got the $99 install for the H20, Dish and Multiswitch, and they gave me 6 months of HBO, and Showtime without me asking for it. I also just sold my HTL-HD for $100, so I am making money on the deal. My install is set for 12/10. If you have been with D* since 96, like we have, they try to keep you happy.
Well no installer today either... finally got in touch with the local installation facility and they are going to try again tomorrow afternoon.

I think I have been stuck with an installer who is about to get fired. They specifically cleared his schedule so that he could complete this install..........

We'll see what happens tomorrow....
I'm hoping I can talk the installer into pulling two cables down to the family room. Eventually I'll be getting an HD DVR and hopefully it will be a dual tuner.
Just kind of a newbie I guess. Many thanks to the posts I've read for all the information :) Install was done on Wed (installers a bit late - 11:30 for an 8-12 slot). Had to relocate to a pole - interference from some trees on one of the Sats (yup - thats a big antenna). This installer was also training a new guy, but really seemed to know what he was doing. All they really needed to do was mount the new dish and hook up the receiver - already had the HD DVR in-place. Now just need the upgrade, hopefully in Jan??? Haven't seen locals in HD yet (I work at night) - but my wife says they look great!
Was it Ron's TV? I've been trying to get them on the phone for 2 days to discuss the install, but I've been on hold for over an hour three times with them.
Sounds like we are all having issues. My appointment was for 8-12 on Wednesday. At 11:50 I called the 1-800 # to the group that handle's the installs for my area (Local installer is Ron's TV) and the first lady I spoke to said she would call and leave a message for the installer and if I did not hear from him in 15 minutes to call back.

No call came so i called back. Talked to another lady there and she said there was a note on the order that the installer called in and said he was not trained on nor did he have the new equipment. It was 12:45 by now, waited nearly 5 hours for nothing. The only thing that kept me from exploding was the fact that I had a death in the family earlier in the week and decided that TV was not something I needed to get upset about.

The supervisor at the call center talked to the local installer supervisor and they are suppose to install Saturday morning. We will see....

Think some "free" premium channels is worth the aggravation? Should I call D*?
Call them. My installer was 5 hours last last year and I got 6 month of a premium for free. This this was a MAJOR fubar on their part, I'd demand 6 months of platinum for the price you're paying now.
i was set up for upgrade tomarrow 12-3 just got a call from ron" tv said they were out of the 5 lnb dish so had to set for next sat 12-10. :mad:
So no install today either.....

I'm rescheduled again for 7:30 tomorrow morning..

I also called DirecTV with my issues, and spoke to the customer retention department.

As soon as this is installed, I'll let you know the compensation they came up with.
Man with the lack of 5LNB dish's, I hope no one comes in my yard and try to steal my new dish. WARNING: TO THOSE IN THE ATLANTA AREA! I have installed a mini video camera on my house pointing at my new dish! Try to steal it and Im going to pop a "cap" in you A$$! :dev
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Well I got the call from Ron's TV this AM at 9:30 saying they would not be able to do my install today as they did not have any of the 5 LNB dishs and would not have any till Tuesday. Now my install is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. I hope 3rd time is the charm. Got D* to waive the upgrade fee, give me $20 a month credit for the next 6 months and a one time $100 credit on my next bill.

The supervisor at D* also told me Ron's TV is the only installer for the Atlanta area. I find that hard to believe, maybe some here knows more on that subject.
Actually Ron's Tv "is" the only Authorized Directv service center in Atlanta. All the other Directv guys you see are subcontractors who get their jobs from Ron's Tv!
Here is the deal with my install... we are 95% complete.. ESPN2 HD and Discovery HD are still not working, installer (Julio) couldn't quite get it done and is coming back with his supervisor (BoB)...

You are correct Ron's TV is the only one in Atlanta doing these installs. Installer told me they get paid the same for these installs as standard 18" installs, so none of the installers want to do these.

I got a similar deal as category 4... 100 instant credit and $10 per month for the next 12 months.

How much was the upgrade fee Cat4? They didn't waive that for me, though I am new to HD, so not sure I'm an upgrade. With the rebate available for those ordering on the 25th (i ordered on the 22nd) I'm hoping I can get them to honor that at least.

For those having problems, call Ron's TV and talk to Cathy. She was by far the most helpfull person there in getting this resolved.
I also get three of every chanell... Local Off-Air, Local standard def like we got with the standard D*, and now the HD chanels.

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