Help needed DTV on Dish Network Superdish

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Nov 21, 2006
Here is my problem. I currently receive Dish network programming via their Superdish (receive their sats 110, 119 & 121). I want to add DirecTV to receive sats 101 and 95. Because of space constraints I can't add a second dish to the balcony of my condo. Can I buy the relevant DTV LNB's, Switches and Receivers and jury rig/attach the LNB's to the existing Superdish (elliptical 36" wide and 20" high). Any input would be appreciated.
You can waste your money by trying. Very slim chance you will be succesful getting 5 locations off a dish that is a compromise to get the three satellites it was designed for. It is your money and time so go ahead and play but don't expect much success.
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