help: spider in my tv


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
May 15, 2004
I'm not sure where to turn but i thought you experts can help me out here.

A real, freaking spider somehow found its way INSIDE my big screen tv. It's really annoying because i can totally see the spider crawling around while i'm watching TV. Please HLEP!?!?!

I have a Panasonic 53" Widescreen Brand/Model: PAN PT53X54

I could 1) take out the covers (which i'm scared of screwing something up, or is it really easy??)
or 2) spray some bug spray inside my TV?!?
I wouldn't spray anything in there (except perhaps for compressed air), as the bug spray could leave a residue on the projection lenses and/or the rear side of the screen panel.

On the plus side, it must add an element of realism when watching Arachniphobia, 8-Legged Freaks, Tarantula, and even Spiderman. So, you got that going for you.
dsharky said:
I'm not sure where to turn but i thought you experts can help me out here.

A real, freaking spider somehow found its way INSIDE my big screen tv. It's really annoying because i can totally see the spider crawling around while i'm watching TV. Please HLEP!?!?!

I have a Panasonic 53" Widescreen Brand/Model: PAN PT53X54

I could 1) take out the covers (which i'm scared of screwing something up, or is it really easy??)
or 2) spray some bug spray inside my TV?!?
I'm sorry, but I gotta say this is one the funniest posts I've seen here in months ! I don't mean to demean your problem but I gotta thank you for breaking the stress and tension a little in my day.

That aside, I really hope you get some advice that'll work for you. I hate spiders and can't imagine having that kind of distraction while watching TV.

Good luck.

Is he paying rent?

Send him an eviction notice. :)

Want to impress your wife, turn on the Insect show on Discovery HD and tell her how real the spider looks. :D

The best way would be to open the set and vaccum him out. Dont touch anything inside like the lenses or mirrors.
When opening the set up, its it very sensitive? i'm just deadly afraid of messing up any of the TV components. i can't believe a freaking spider can crawl in there. but then again, there are large vent holes in the back of the Tv. i'm surprised this hasn't happend to more people.
Nah not really that sensitive.

I am surprised this hasnt happened more too, afterall they like heat and there is some good heat from the tubes to keep them warm.

Although not much food in there. :D
maybe i can just until it dies in there..muahahah....i hate spiders!!!!!!!!!!!! (except spiderman)
With your luck it might just die and lay dead on one of your tubes. :) You don't want that to happen, evict him. :)

I hate spiders too.

I am not really affraid of much, but spiders.... want to see a grown fat guy run fast... show me a spider. :D
Scott Greczkowski said:
With your luck it might just die and lay dead on one of your tubes. :) You don't want that to happen, evict him. :)

Or worse yet it will be a female spider and....well you don't want think about that!! :eek:

I've had a few spiders make their way between my screen and the screen protector. They lasted a few days and then raised their legs straight up. My wife, who really hates spiders, never noticed until I pointed them out at the bottom. She freaked and I took the protector off and removed them. I've never had a problem with them on my tubes.
GaryPen said:
So, do you big, strong, he-men have your wives kill the bad, scary spiders for you? ;)
You got it !:eek: Not ashamed in the least. We have an "agangement": she does the spiders and I do the snakes.:D

I'm not sure why this is in The Dish Network Forum but I have seen spider webs appear on the screens of a couple of RPTVs. (No live spiders yet.)

I took off the rear covers, vacuumed out the spider webs, and used the oportunity to carefully clean the mirror and lenses.
I have a Panny and opened it before. Piece of cake, it is just eight or nine screws in the back. There is actually not much back there, mostly open space. Unless unusually klutzy, I wouldn't concern yourself with opening it. Of course, if you screw up your TV or electrecute yourself (I would strongly recommend unplugging the TV first and not touching any capacitors which you would have to search for anyway), don't come crying to me. :D
dsharky said:
what will the fogger do?

The ones I've seen, you press the button on the can and it lock's ON. You and your pets leave the house for a while and air the house out when you return. The gas it emits will migrate into the cracks in the walls, under furniture, etc., and it does a pretty good job.

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