Help with BUD, Please.

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 14, 2004
Ok finally got my BUD up and running. a C BAND offset dish and feedhorn. I have a chap 20 degree lnb on it and am getting some pretty good pictures mpeg with my pansat 3500. the closest sat to my true south is at 93 degrees (IA-6). it has NO mpeg signals. so I have physically had to skew my feedhorn a lot, then skew each sat a lot more. I think this is why some of my channels are so weak any suggestions how to align better? I seem to be covering the arc pretty well from 131 to 87 degrees, picking up a few channels on each sat. zip code here is 64076. example i am missing the rtn group that reports being on Galaxy 3-C at 95 degrees.
thanks jr I just changed rotors, bought a new one. still nothing on my south sat to pic up, i guess i will just have to skew the whole thing and run with it. looks like i am picking up almost all the free stuff anyway with a clear signal.
Are you able to get anything on G3C?
For example, CCTV 11780 H tp 4

Finding stuff is so much easier when there are clear signals available.
There is a data signal on IA6 which your Pansat 3500 should be able to lock. You won't get any video or audio, but you should be able to use the signal meter to peak the signal.

4160V 30000
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G0-7 Ipg Ku **


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