help with True South

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Original poster
May 27, 2006
I have the following setup:

Captiveworks CW-600S Premium, Fortec Star 80CM dish, DM910 motor and linear Ku-band LBNF.

Can someone tell me what my True South satellite is for San Diego 92117?
true south satellite is Satmex5 at 116.8 degrees (San Diego is at 117.2)

the best transponder to aim at is
12080 frequency
H polarity
25635 symbol rate
Can someone also help me with setting up my DM910 ( dish motor with the Fortec 80CM dish. On the DM910 motor, it shows the elevation of the motor on one side and latitude on the other side. Which one do I use?
Please reply by conversation.

RG6u and electric lines

dvbtune and LOF - Am i missing something?

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