Hey Voom, us parents need PBS kids!


We get some children's programming on PBS kids for a few hours each day OTA but the is a dedicated 24/7 kids channels for cable and it's on Rupert and Charlie as well.

I hope all is well in NY, Lee
Yes , I remember posting about this ch a while back. Here in NY PBS kids is on WNET 24 hrs a day. But, since WNET is operating at such low power...nobody gets to see that ch. Its on ch 50 -2 , but it goes off when they show some hd at night. I cant see VOOM adding this ch because you can get it some of the day on any given PBS ch...if you can get it OTAin your area. Directv ofers the ch 24 hrs a day in their mid pack....yes you have to pay a little bit extra for this ch and a couple of others. I wrote my PBS affiliate and they wrote me back saying that they take the PBS kids ch off at night for bandwidth reasons when hd is on and suggestd that Itape the ch during the day and show it to my kid at night when it wasnt on....which by the way was what I was doing. As a parent other ch's that are missing are Nick 2, Nicktoon, and Noggin. All of these would be nice but once the combiner comes on line here in NY I and alot of other parents will be able to get WNET which ha PBS kids on 24 hrs a day.
Sean Mota said:
Agree! But can't you get it via OTA. I have it here from two different stations.
Yes we do but, I am almost positive the local PBS station are also delivering 3 other SD stations cut out of their bandwidth and destroying the HD channel if they are anything like they are here!!! A national HD feed of PBS would be GREAT!!!

currently I have PBSHD, PBSSD, PBSKIDSSD, PBS educational SD all in the HD bandwidth and it reallyyyyyyyy SUCKSSS!!! The HD got so bad they took it and converted from 1080i to 720p to stop the pixelation. No more wow, no more pop!
Wow...vurbano, Im suprised that PBS does that when they are running HD. All of the PBS stations here in NY/NJ cut it down to one STD ch and one HD ch when they are showing HD. WNET in NY only has 2 sub stations instead of 5....which allows them to run HD and PBS kids on a regular basis. 4 sub ch's with one of them broadcasting HD is not even worth it!!! Shows you how much they care.
Our local digital PBS tried multicasting it but couldn't get it right so they canned it. I would love to have this channel since I have an 8 year old daughter and PBS is her primary viewing channel.

We had this channel on DTV and it really has such great shows! I sent Voom an email about PBS Kids last night and got the old "we'll get back to you in 24 hours" - nothing yet of course.

Our local LA PBS Station (KCET) has some of the limited content of PBS Kids, but only for a few hours.
One thing that really burns me about our local PBS is that they don't run anything in sync with the National PBS feed. In the morning at 7:30, National PBS shows Clifford's Puppy Days in HD, we get CPD once on Wed & a repeat on Saturday and it is an upconversion of the Analog channel. Our PBS mirrors the Analog channel all day until 8 PM, then they show 100% widescreen with about 10% in HD, the rest are upconverts. I've given up on them since most of their programming is now available elsewhere.
The one channel that my little son misses from the cable days is Nick Jr. He misses Face, Dora: The Explorer, Blues Clues. Although now he loves Voltron @ Animania.

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