How many cables is it?

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Original poster
Aug 2, 2006
I seem to get a different answer each time I ask people this question - so I will ask it here - where the experts live :)

I have moved and I need to get D* setup again at my new house. I plan to get a 3 LNB dish - no plans to go HD anytime soon so this should be fine. I plan to have 2 DVRs (unless I keep reading all the problems here about the R15's and decide to stay with VCR - please post some GOOD stories about the R15's!!) :)

In the future, the most I would hook up would be 4 TV's - two of them with DVR's and two without. 3 is probably more realistic. (2 DVR, one regular)

The 100,000 question is - how many cables will be coming off of the dish?

Is it 2? Then down to a multi-switch in the basement where it splits off - 2 for each room with DVR etc.

Or is there 4 wires coming off the dish?

The reason I ask is I bought a bunch of cable and I am going to fish it through the PVC tube from attic to basement myself so I am not charged a fishing fee of $75 - so I just want to know how many I should have fished through.

Thanks guys!!

if you need to see all 3 satellites then you must run 4 cables from the triple down to the basement and use a 5*8 multiswitch ti give you 8 outputs . you need outputs from the ms to each dvr you have. If you locals are on 101 a you can run only 2 cables down to a 3*3 multiswitch.
I would run all 4 off the roof just to be safe. better to be safe than to have to rig it up later :)
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I sent my H20 back

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