How Many Plasmas Going?


SatelliteGuys Master
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Sep 20, 2005
Fishers, IN
I have two, in guist bedrroms. Still watch now and them. They were great. OLED's before their time...and much more dependable.
We finally gave one away free when we changed our room layout and upgraded to a larger TV a few years back. It was still working fine except for one hdmi port that had failed. This tv was used really hard. It was probably on for most of the day as my wife likes to have the tv on in the background even when sleeping. It sat right in front of a hot window with the sun shining on the back of it for years. Even got rained on a couple of times when we didn't close the window quick enough. You couldn't kill that thing. It just kept plugging along! :D
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My guess is that you have no idea what you're missing out on.
As an owner of OLEDs for my main televisions my guess is you are a bad guesser. No the plasma is no OLED and it is just 1080 and lacks HDR however I will put it up against almost any LED television for HD non-HDR content any day as long as it is not in an overly bright space. Brightness is the plasma's weakness just like it can be for an OLED although OLEDs are getting better. I do not have experience with a micro LED so I cannot comment on that.
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No the plasma is no OLED and it is just 1080 and lacks HDR however I will put it up against almost any LED television for HD non-HDR content any day as long as it is not in an overly bright space.
That's an awful lot of conditions to fit into one sentence.
Early plasmas looked like a bunch of dots to me. They got better. A LOT better. Great blacks. But pumped out some heat and sucked up power. NBD in my book. But I ended up with an RPTV.

Sad to see them go. But making those cells even smaller with super thin walls for UHD must've been quite a challenge with uncertain payback. And California and Europe were already making noises about power consumption.
The EU is in the process of moving the threshold lower that will lay the smackdown on all 8K TVs as well as some of the 4K OLED and MicroLED models.
I think what they are doing is ridiculous. What dishdude said above applies. All the electricity in a TV ends up as light and heat. So the TV does, in a small way, help heat homes. And if your curtains are closed, the light will also turn into heat.

If the EU is really worried about electricity usage they could ban new electric vehicle sales until the Russia - Ukraine crisis is over. EVs use MUCH more power than TVs.
All the electricity in a TV ends up as light and heat. So the TV does, in a small way, help heat homes.
This assumes that heating your home is something that you want to do year-round. That is obviously not the case.

You really don't want to start a discussion about where the electricity and raw materials for electric cars comes from.
Mrs. Foxbat & I were at our friends' house and their 65" Panasonic Plasma is still going strong. It's a 3D Viera set, and they have about 80-100 3D movies in their collection. They have no plans to replace it anytime soon.
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I still have several plasmas in use. 1 60" Pioneer Kuro that still looks amazing and 6 50" Pannys that are either last or second to last generation. The Pannys are fine for what they are used for (mostly bedrooms). Way better than any of the I also have 2 OLEDs 77" and 65" that are used for more discretionary viewing. I couldn't care less about the energy consumption "issue".
My 60" Kuro I sold to friends and is running fine and my Bedroom TV is the 42" Kuro version and has been running fine.
No need to replace that till I need another TV somewhere.
I still have three, from 12-18 years old. I would get a modern (LCD, LED, OLED) were it not for my intolerance of "Soap Opera Effect". It just ruins everything I watch and, contrary to general opinion, turning of motion enhancement does not get rid of it. Hopefully, my two 50" Panasonics and my 59" Samsung will outlive me!
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I still have three, from 12-18 years old. I would get a modern (LCD, LED, OLED) were it not for my intolerance of "Soap Opera Effect". It just ruins everything I watch and, contrary to general opinion, turning of motion enhancement does not get rid of it. Hopefully, my two 50" Panasonics and my 59" Samsung will outlive me!
Soap Opera effect is the result of "motion" settings. Turn anything that says Motion OFF.
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