How soon can I "move"?

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Patrick G.

Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Oct 14, 2003
I just had DirecTV installed 30 minutes ago -- first timer, switched from Dish Net. Got the SD-DVR40 DVR and 2 additional receivers. I am not in an area that qualifies for locals, but I do have a designated "physical" address that I used for Dish Net that does qualify. How soon can I call up and have my physical address changed (and do I actually need to say "I moved")? Can I call right now? Do I actually have to wait a couple of weeks? I forgot about the Survivor finale tonight, so I'd really like to get 'em turned on today.

Also, if I'm not going to be using the 3rd receiver for a while, can I avoid the extra receiver charge? If so, what do I need to do? As of now, they are all activated.

OH, and do I have to have the phone line connected on any or all of the receivers? It just told me I needed to in order to activate the DVR service, but I was thinking I read that it wasn't necessary. Thanks in advance!
first you must figure out of DirecTV broadcasts locals in your area or where you want to "move" to, just because Dish does, doesn't mean DirecTV does. they use two different satellites and two different feeds for the same channels. If D* offers locals where you want to "move" to you must also figue out if you are located in the "spot beam" of the satellite that broadcasts the locals you want to get. say you are in New York city and you want to "move" to Miami, FL. that is not possible because the spot beam of the satellite doesn't reach New York from Miami.
~if you are not going to be using the 3rd receiver, then don't activate it, or deactivate if if you already have by placing a call to DirecTV's CSRs. unless you are tied in on a contract on all receivers they will let you do this today, and cut your $4.99 fee on the receiver from your bill.
~I do know that for PPV and software updates you MUST have a land based phone line plugged in. I am not an expert on the phone line stuff, so someone else may be able to tell you a bit more.
Patrick G. said:
OH, and do I have to have the phone line connected on any or all of the receivers? It just told me I needed to in order to activate the DVR service, but I was thinking I read that it wasn't necessary. Thanks in advance!

If you already ARE using the phone, what difference does it make? You can move & keep using the same phone line/# with NO problems - just tell D* when you call to "move" that the phone# is staying the same; they won't ask any questions. ;) ;) ;)
I "moved" the second day i had service. all i said was that I wanted the billing address to stay the same, but the service was at my "son's house". Locals are not available in my area (Peoria, Ill -- they will be available very soon, but will require a second dish) but i sit within the area of the Chicago spot beam so i used a chicago address. No problems, no questions asked. Everything worked ok. Just make sure you have the address and know what county the address is in.
Couldn't you just use the travel trailer to get the locals or is that just with E*?
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