I got screwed from a ebay purchase 9000hd

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Thanks for the explanation. I'm sure the writers of the hack software would know how to correct this but those idiots are not interested in restoring things back to factory settings. They're only interested in stealing. Perhaps after the card swap is complete some of them will see the benefit in legit FTA and decide to sell a fix for receivers that have been compromised.
Not likely but it would be nice.
i am getting impatient waiting for mine. if it does come w/ alt firmware, considering the price, it will be fine as long as it works. what really concerns me are the reports of "video flicker".

Comptech, if you try the one you got, please report your findings. I plan on hooking it up via HDMI, but may be better off using component if it does not flicker.
I have always been leary of eBay. I am sure there plenty of honest people there, but I am sure I would get one that isn't. Sorry to hear of you your misfourtune and I hope you can nail this person to the wall. From reading his response it sounds like to me that he has done this before. Good luck.
Does Digiwave know about this problem? Seriously. Maybe they have something they can do.

I am sure they will point you to an authorized dealer to buy a NEW one....that's what they will do...:D

This business, by the nature of what the majority of the boxes end up doing, stealing signal, is a cuttthroat,lying, incseteous business, only there to make as much as they can as quickly as they can. And they give not a whit for the few of us that happen to use their products for only legal things. We aren't even a drop in a drum of water sales-wise to them. Sad to say but IMO thats the way it is.

I have always been leary of eBay. I am sure there plenty of honest people there, but I am sure I would get one that isn't. Sorry to hear of you your misfourtune and I hope you can nail this person to the wall. From reading his response it sounds like to me that he has done this before. Good luck.

Jim, ebay is a fantastic place for FTA stuff. Hackers are generally not a too-bright bunch (why else would you leave an illegal file on a receiver you sell?). You just have to educate yourself of what you want, and the issues involved. Take for instance the Coolsat 5000's. Fantastic receiver for our uses, but there are no more hack files, so they are cheap, and well suited for our uses. So why not?
I also think as soon as Dish and Bell get the card swap done we are going to see a flood of equipment, hackers have stated the current receivers are not going to be able to steal, that its gonna take a new generation of boxes. I cannot wait to get a Pansat 9200 for 100.00. :D

So save your pennies. :)

I am not very educated when it comes to all of this techinical stuff everyone talks about, so I would be an easy mark to get hosed. As I have gotten older I have started to heed the old addage: "You get what you pay for." Too many times I went for the lower priced items and ended getting burned. Now, it is easier for me to shell out a few extra bucks and get merchandise from reptiable dealer than get hosed and have to go throuh the hassles that CompTech is going to have to go through to make this right. I know what you are going to say, yes, I know some people are on limited buget. I've been there and I remember saving for months to get something I wanted. And believe me, it's hard for me to save money. We have been pretty financally stable the last few years and I have been able to buy just about anything I have wanted, when I wanted it. But......that changed last week when we signed off on the loan to build the new house. So, now I will be back to scemping and saving, man's that's going to be rough. Anyway, if you are having good luck with eBay, by all means take advantage of it. Me, I'll stick to the old fashion way. :):)
Stogie5150 said:
. . . hackers have stated the current receivers are not going to be able to steal, that its gonna take a new generation of boxes.
Heh - :D
That's what they all say.
Because, there's no margin in keeping afloat old boxes.
When your competition brings out new boxes, you have to bring out new ones, too.
It's the sales of new hardware at non-discounted prices, that props up the industry (imo).

On the subject of fixing the Diamond 9000, I believe that any feature damaged by firmware can be fixed by firmware.
Just wonder what are the market forces, for such a fix not being available...?
I know if a receiver came along for $50..$75, I might look into the problem.

Since it's been posted that later hackware has useful improvements for tru-FTAers, I think the best thing that could happen for us, is for the next hack release to come out, solving the flicker/sound problem.
Maybe the warehouse is empty, and the promoters (whoever they may be) have no incentive to make the merchandise attractive to buyers.
Wonder if it's lawsuit-related?

Sure is a heck of a hardware platform. Wish it had the FTA firmware it deserves! - :up
Thanks for all your support guys. As it stands now I have asked for a partial refund for being used. I just got a responce of no. I hate to do it but I am going to dispute this on my credit card since he has no intention of making anything right. The good news is that after a factory reset I got the box working. I am still using it on a SD TV right now so I do not know about thr HDMI flicker yet.It does recieve the PBS channells on 87W. I have not tried any DVB-S2 yet. And yes paypal is useless.Dispite the fact that it is used I will probally keep it and play with it.Maybe my CC company will bring me a early XMAS with a chargeback. In my communications with this guy I can tell he bought the wrong box for what he wanted and pushed it off as new on ebay.
No he just insists that he bought it new in he box and has no idea what firmware means or anything else.As you can see in my paste of his reply he claims he has no idea what signal or quality means.Sounds fishy for someone selling FTA equipment. {I just bought this and resold it for money}.I fired off a email to dish's signal integrety dept just incase they want to check it out.
Most credit cards work with you on the disputes. Make sure you tell them that it does not work NOT that you kinda gottit goin. I got scammed on a computer in 1997 and disputed it on the CC. ($3000!!!) The rep asked if it worked and I told them "I kinda gottit workin" so they could not help unless I said it did not work. (So much for honesty!) I went to that lemon law lawyer (They did computers at the time) and they said it is an easy case. I was told that just because it is on my credit card does not mean that it is my computer and they did nothing!!!
Back to reality... Ebay is great for many things! Like any business, one complaint will cause more damage than the thousands of positive transactions. I never had any problems with any electronics I bought on Ebay but a few problems with general items. Talking to the seller worked on some; Paypal helped on one; AND the really cocky sellers got the boot when all else failed and I disputed the item on the credit card. (Ebay kicked one off too!) Do what you gotta do but do not be "wishy washy" like I was with the computer that still sits in my basement!!! It kinda works!!!
I have never noticed any video or sound flicker via hdmi on my diamond, i mostly watch ATSC and the HD S2 channels.

If you can get a dvb-s2 HDTV receiver that is also a PVR for less than 200, I wouldn't waste my time with the refund because you may noy find a better deal.
I have never noticed any video or sound flicker via hdmi on my diamond, i mostly watch ATSC and the HD S2 channels.

If you can get a dvb-s2 HDTV receiver that is also a PVR for less than 200, I wouldn't waste my time with the refund because you may noy find a better deal.

I am gonna go out on a limb here ( I know, big surprise) and say that you WON'T get a better deal on a HD/S2/ATSC receiver, not counting the PVR. I don't count the PVR because mine doesn't work. :(

I just bought another Diamond from a guy in Canada for 168.00, shipped, brand new. If I get it and it isn't new, its STILL a GREAT deal as long as it isn't DOA.
A Pansat 9200 with the proper S2 card WILL run you 500.00. And yes, it has blind scan, but it STILL won't BS S2 signals, there are reports of the tuner being flaky.

I'll take my Diamond for less than 200.00, and enjoy my S2/HD on the cheap, thanks. I still have a great blindscanner sitting right on top of it, my trusty Coolsat 5000. :D
I am gonna go out on a limb here ( I know, big surprise) and say that you WON'T get a better deal on a HD/S2/ATSC receiver, not counting the PVR. I don't count the PVR because mine doesn't work. :(

I just bought another Diamond from a guy in Canada for 168.00, shipped, brand new. If I get it and it isn't new, its STILL a GREAT deal as long as it isn't DOA.
A Pansat 9200 with the proper S2 card WILL run you 500.00. And yes, it has blind scan, but it STILL won't BS S2 signals, there are reports of the tuner being flaky.

I'll take my Diamond for less than 200.00, and enjoy my S2/HD on the cheap, thanks. I still have a great blindscanner sitting right on top of it, my trusty Coolsat 5000. :D

What he said! :)
But my PVR works, except for High Bit Rate HD like the Networks, fine for ATSC (no Guide though)
No he just insists that he bought it new in he box and has no idea what firmware means or anything else.As you can see in my paste of his reply he claims he has no idea what signal or quality means.Sounds fishy for someone selling FTA equipment. {I just bought this and resold it for money}.I fired off a email to dish's signal integrety dept just incase they want to check it out.
Try to get him to tell you when purchased it, even prove it with proof of sale, 131P didn't load "magically".
Thanks for all your support guys. As it stands now I have asked for a partial refund for being used. I just got a responce of no. I hate to do it but I am going to dispute this on my credit card since he has no intention of making anything right. The good news is that after a factory reset I got the box working. I am still using it on a SD TV right now so I do not know about thr HDMI flicker yet.It does recieve the PBS channells on 87W. I have not tried any DVB-S2 yet. And yes paypal is useless.Dispite the fact that it is used I will probally keep it and play with it.Maybe my CC company will bring me a early XMAS with a chargeback. In my communications with this guy I can tell he bought the wrong box for what he wanted and pushed it off as new on ebay.

Hi, I'm surprised to read that Paypal is not helping. The last few sales that I have made on ebay and received a Paypal payment for had a 21 day hold on them.

Perhaps this is something new and you can still get a full refund. I would try to find out more about this 21 day hold. Maybe it is a option that the buyer can setup when they buy something. If so your case would be a good example of why it would be good to use this.

I will look into this myself this weekend.

Good luck and please update us if you find out anything on the 21 day hold.

my box finally came in today. no surprise what software was on it. the guy even left the channel list on the box, LOL!!

at any rate, i hooked it up, and I really like it. It found all 23 of the digital OTA channels in my area! it took a little time to input each TP for galaxy 18, but it did scan in all the channels. I must say I am pretty happy so far. the picture quality is amazing and I haven't noticed any video flicker.

I am currently recording some HD content from an OTA channel. i have been recording for almost an hour and no hiccups whatsoever. no OTA guide.....

WORTH every penny of the $100 it cost me. I paid more than that for the visionsat it replaced.
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