If I purchased a DECA from one of the classified ads I've seen around, do I need to call D* to get them to turn on VOD?
It's not VOD you'll need them to turn on, but MRV will need to be activated on your account after you install it. $3/month.
Yes and if you want to use MRV you need to run the setup on the HDDVR and the HD Receiver that way you can watch your recordings off the other receivers as well.
Question is, can you use DECA for internet without activating MRV, which costs $3/month.
I dunno, Ive seen stranger policies. I just dont want the guy to buy the junk and it not work right for him, when he could just get powerlines and be done with it.
They set them up so it's jsut a flip of the switch and not a truck roll.
Right, he would need to make sure he had green labeled splitter and the power adaptor, and of course the coax to connect it.
If MRV isn't in the mix, the green label splitter isn't necessary (but would be good for future compatibililty).