Is PS3 really more expensive then XBOX360?


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Supporting Founder
Oct 11, 2003
Before everyone goes ballistic please read with an open mind. I decided to look at the two systems and see what value you would receive for your money. This is not about the games or each systems abilities. This only about the hardware.

XBOX360: $399

3.2 ghz 3 core processor
ATI 500mhz graphics processor
512mb RAM
Ethernet controller
wireless game controller
DVD player
20GB Hard Drive
Wireless Head Set
1080i max output

Playstation 3: $499

3.2 ghz CELL (8SPE) processor
NVidea 550 mhz RSX graphics processor
256mb XDR main RAM
256mb GDDR3 VRAM
Ethernet controller
Bluetooth Wireless game controller with Axis Sensing
Blu-Ray Player
20GB Hard Drive
1080p max output

Since we are now moving into parallel processing we cannot really determine if the CELL will be more powerful than the processor used by the XBOX360 until the PS3 comes out and we start seeing games on the PS3. And it is quite possible that the ATI graphics chip can do many things better than the Nvidea graphics chip. Once again the games will bear this out. But this is a discussion about price and value.

I have compared the two 20GB systems as they are pretty much equal in terms of hardware. You can not talk about the cheaper version of the XBOX360 because it does not have a hard drive nor does it come with a wireless controller. It is not fair to compare the more expensive PS3 because it comes with HDMI 1.3, a wireless Ethernet and a 60GB hard drive. This is why I have compared the two systems most like each other.

The PS3 comes in at $100 more and lets see the differances. Bluetooth technology, Blu-Ray (high def) Drive, 1080p output. That is it. Just three little things but are they worth the extra $100?

First the Bluetooth technology. What does it mean? Simply, an industry standard that means anyone can make a bluetooth controller for the PS3 easily. It also means faster response times. Considerably faster response times than the basic wireless controllers we have all been using and that is what is on the XBOX360. As a side note-- Sony is in talks with Immersion and we still might see vibration in the PS3 controllers. Personally I am very excited about the axis sensing. Imaging driving and flight games using this technology!

Second the Blu-Ray high def drive. Anyone with a High Def monitor will want one of these. You will be able to play High Def movies from your PS3. The movie studios have agreed to allow high def playback over the componet outputs for the next 3 to 5 years. It seems the copy protection of Blu-Ray is very difficult to break. That does not mean that it will not happen -- just that initially the movie studios are in agreement about allowing HD over the componets for now with Blu-Ray. This technology alone is worth the extra $100. There is no way Microsoft will be able to bring out a High Def drive for the XBOX360 for $100 without losing their shirt. We shall see.

1080p output. Is this really an advantage? I know this can be debated but progressive is definately prefered to interlaced -- especially when playing video games. Hands down this will be the best output you can view. And this brings me to an interesting part of this discussion.

These next gen gaming systems really do not start to shine until you hook them up to a High Definition TV. Lets face it, hooked up to a regular tv and an XBOX360 does not offer much over the XBOX playing the same game! Only when you hook up the XBOX360 to a HDTV do the graphics pop and you start to see why the next gen XBOX is worth the money. So if we can get off of the debate about whether or not someone has a HDTV and can agree about the need for a HDTV with any next gen gaming system then the additon of Blu-Ray and 1080p output is a definate plus for the the PS3.

The XBOX360 is a known quantity. It is out, it is a fantastic gaming machine. It is a suped-up PC in a box. Microsoft really did a nice job bringing this out. It has some very nice games on it but as of yet no must have game -- no killer game yet. Hold on there guys - I know -- Gears of War and Halo 3 is on the Horizon and I bought an XBOX just to play Halo and Halo2. So killer games are on the way.

As for the PS3 we still know very little. As is with any new video gaming system, untill it is actually in our greedy little hands their abilities and hardware can only be debated. I have used Sony's specs as to the final PS3 configuration. We do not know what the final version will be. But there are some interesting things brewing.

I already meantioned that Sony is in conversation with Immersion. Vibration in the new controllers still might happen. Immersion has already stated that it is possible to have axis-sensing and vibration and that they might bring out their own controller for the PS3. Remember Bluetooth?

Sony has already stated that the PS3 could be upgraded. Does this mean larger Ram chips? We already know you can put a larger hard drive as the more expensive unit has a 60GB drive. A replacement for the video chip? Who knows what Sony is talking about but the idea is pretty neat. Most of us already do that with our computers.

Using Bluetooth technology could mean alot of hardware applications for the PS3. Printers, keyboards, mouses, I-Pods. They demonstated the Formula One game using a PSP as a rear view mirror using Bluetooth. The implication here for future gaming is enormus!

Blu-Ray gaming! Most programmers have always gripped about having limited space on the disk. Even though they have not tapped out DVD9 that is being used on the XBOX360 Blu-Ray does two things -- considerably more space and alot harder to copy. Is there an advantage here -- who knows -- we will have to wait for the games.

Finally Sony has stated that their on-line service for the PS3 will be free! If they pull this off this will be a coup!! Imagine most online gaming for free. You pay for the downloads to play online and then play as long as you want for free! I personally do not see how they can do this unless they plan to have lots for us to purchase that we want. Of course imagine downloading any music you want for a price and then transfering to your I-POD with Bluetooth-- I'm getting chills!

Both systems will do some things well and others not so well. There will be killer games on both systems. Who is salivating about MSG4 or WARHAWK or Killing Zone or a Grand Turismo in High Def? Probably the same folks salivating over Gears of War and Halo3!

I hope both systems survive and do well. Competition breeds better games. I also hope that both systems are differant enough that you can not direct port to either system. That means the same game with differant ablilites both visually and game play on both systems. I fear that the XBOX360 will get direct ports of PC games with little changes and the PS3 will get some ports but either with major changes in play or with some things left out. Only time will tell. However I see the gaming future as being very bright!

As for the price differances in the XBOX360 and the PS3? I do not believe the extra $100 is going to hurt the PS3 at all. You definately are getting more bang for your dollar with the PS3. I think Sony will not have any problems selling out their PS3 allotment. As for the higher priced PS3 $599. The wireless Ethernet, HDMI 1.3 and 60GB hardrive is a good value for an additonal $100.

Those of us with a High Def Home Theater System will buy one of these if only for the Blu-Ray! There might even be a Home Theater enthusiast who doesn't give a hoot about the PS3 gaming -- they just want a High Def Blu-Ray player and the PS3 will be the least expensive one on the market. I bet the $599 sells out before the $499! :hungry:
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X360 Core: $239 *cheapest* (here)

PS3: $499 *cheapest*

Both fully capable to play games which is why people buy gaming consoles. Difference is $260 or in other words you can buy a 360 with 5 games for the price of a PS3. Even if we use MSRP, it's still 4 games...
You can slice it, dice it, spin it anyway you want but these are the facts, end of story.
Hey T2k -- you dogging me? Get real. The Xbox360 core has no hard drive and therefore cannot take advantage of XBOX LIVE! You must have the Hard Drive to update your system and to connect to XBOX LIVE and download anything. Apples and Oranges here. The XBOX360 Core is at best the apple before the cart. You have to spend more money to get the most out of your next gen gaming. That means upgrading with a hard drive to be able to download additonal features for your games. Plus, how are you going to play XBOX games without downloading the software -- oh you can't without the HARD DRIVE!!! Oh yeah, does the core system come with a wireless controller?

I guess when you are shopping for a new car you don't care if it comes with tires!!:D
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are you trolling here?

Xbox Live is NOT necessary to be able to use 360 as a gaming console.

Stop spreading these crap, please.
Ok, I'm a PC Gamer and haven't owned a game system since the late 80s. I'm completely unbiased since I feel most games systems are junk; they are nothing more than kids toys. However, since I have a four year old I'm considering purchasing a game console. Offhand, while both systems are equally worthless IMO, the PS3 appears to be the better value solely on it's Blu-Ray and Bluetooth technologies. Of course, the PS3 may be a major POS when released. We shall see...

JoeSp makes valid arguments in the support of the PS3. There may be a bit of wishful thinking, but his comparisons are appropriate and his thoughts are linear.'re just shamelessly trolling.;) As the old saying goes, "he who smelt it, dealt it."
If i'm not mistaken the $499 ps3 doesn't have wifi and also doesn't come with HD cables so you would have to buy those as well.
The wireless ethernet controller is in the $599 unit. We don't know if componet cables will come with the PS3 -- it is not out yet. The wirless game controllers are bluetooth technology and that does come with the $499 unit.
are you kidding me joesp? listen, First I had a core with a memory card, and I was on live and used live, so there was that, secondly lets talk about all this when the ps3 comes out, then we can compare what we know FOR SURE, because as of right now, and according to your post above, we dont know because its not out, and sony is king of smoke and mirrors!

disclaimer: I have nothing against sony as i own a ps2 and love it, I also have a 360 and think its great also.
stuart628 I stated at the end that until the PS3 is out we can only discuss openly what the system might have. Sony in Europe has their PS3 site up and What I have listed is what they say will be in their 20GB $499 model. I used this information as a debate about the Sony's stated cost for the PS3 in relationship to the same hardware configuration you could purchase the XBOX360 for. Could the specs change -- maybe -- but there will be a Cell proccessor, a RSX gpu by Nvidia, a Blu-Ray High Def drive and Bluetooth technology in a product by Sony that they will name the PS3. When we will see it and what the final specs will be under the hood is anybody' guess.

The smoke and mirror statement is if the PS3 never comes out. Then I hope anyone on this site immediately sells Sony stock because it will become worthless.
lol, so basically, lets do this then, I mean, we know for SURE what the 360 has, but not what the PS3 has, so you are comparing, SURe to not sure right? you just said that so I am not putting words in anyones mouth there. so if that is true, then the point of this thread is worthless and not worth arguing.

I am tired of the ps3 is better then 360, or vice versa threads, lets talk when it comes out. also before it comes out, I can PROMISE you one thing, the thing that will be different about these systems (other then halo, or god of war, or metal gear solid, or what other exclusive games you have) is one comes with Blue ray, and the other has HD dvd add on. One has live, and the other has some other internet service. We will see ALOT of games made for both systems (meaning graphics will be about if not exactly the same) and the will in the end both have about the same specs. Now for my opinion part, I THINK that the ps3 will be a little weaker system (because of the cell and how unproven it is, we really dont know what it can do, so it could be better, but I doubt it) also I think programmers will tend to side with the 360 on which is easier to program. Also I think the nintendo will gain A BIG chunk of the market. enjoy!
also joe, you yell at someone for not posting facts, but where are yours? if the system is not even made (which do they even have a working prototype?) then you dont have any facts other then what other people are saying, and you are therefore assuming

and you know what happens when you assume (in cass you dont, it makes a ass out of u and me!)
Game systems are for kids who have too much money and don't know what to do with it. The more I hear my 24 year old son talk about his xbox 360 and that PS3 is overpriced, the more I want to puke. If I had that much money to throw away on something that is going to be obsolete and replaced in a few years, I'd spend it upgrading my PC or on something more useful and sensible.
Nowhere did I say that the PS3 was better than the XBOX360. My contention here is that the PS3 at $499 with a Blu Ray player and Bluetooth technology is a comparable - if not - better value the the XBOX360 premium package at $399.

Now as to wheather or not the PS3 will be a better game playing product then the XBOX360 I am not sure that this can be resolved. The XBOX360 is already DirectX 10 compatible. That is why Microsoft will be including support in VISTA for PCs for the XBOX360. That alone means that the XBOX360 is capable of some serious graphics. Gameplay is determined by the gameplayer and who is making the software.

Both systems will definately rock. The XBOX360 will get there this fall and the PS3 will follow-up by next summer. I have a HDTV and would like a Blu-Ray drive. That is why I would like a PS3. Probably by fall of 07 I will have an XBOX360. I have both the PS2 and XBOX right now and like games on both of them.
riffjim4069 said:
Ok, I'm a PC Gamer and haven't owned a game system since the late 80s. I'm completely unbiased


JoeSp makes valid arguments in the support of the PS3. There may be a bit of wishful thinking,


but his comparisons are appropriate and his thoughts are linear.

Isn't it? :D're just shamelessly trolling.;) As the old saying goes, "he who smelt it, dealt it."

ROFLMAO, look who's talking about trolling... oh sweet irony... :D
JoeSp said:
Nowhere did I say that the PS3 was better than the XBOX360. My contention here is that the PS3 at $499 with a Blu Ray player and Bluetooth technology is a comparable - if not - better value the the XBOX360 premium package at $399.

Now as to wheather or not the PS3 will be a better game playing product then the XBOX360 I am not sure that this can be resolved. The XBOX360 is already DirectX 10 compatible. That is why Microsoft will be including support in VISTA for PCs for the XBOX360. That alone means that the XBOX360 is capable of some serious graphics. Gameplay is determined by the gameplayer and who is making the software.

Both systems will definately rock. The XBOX360 will get there this fall and the PS3 will follow-up by next summer. I have a HDTV and would like a Blu-Ray drive. That is why I would like a PS3. Probably by fall of 07 I will have an XBOX360. I have both the PS2 and XBOX right now and like games on both of them.


everything is comparable. Especially when it comes to your PS3.:devil:

However the reality is that for $260 a X360 is capable to play games just as fine as the $499 PS3 will - which means you have an almost double pricetag on your PS3... :cool:
Microsoft should easily outsell PS3 this holiday season unless Sony can REALLY ramp up production quickly (which I doubt). Look for the bundling nightmares to be even more obscene as they try and extort money from the PS3 fanboys....

Everyone is making a big deal about the PS2 outselling the 360. At the local Best Buy they cost 63% less. As the prices drop more can afford to pick them up. $400 is still a huge nut for most (OK, $300 for the braindead version, but I don't see many snapping them up unless they can't find a premium available).

They've also done this without a killer title (although Oblivion is coming close). Something like 2 Million copies sold means that 1 in 2 XBox360s has that disc installed on it.... Look for sales to spike through the roof when Halo3 drops.
Yes Tk2, I went to that site and read the small print. Avalibility and price not gauranteed. But you did find the core system for $239.99. Of course that is without the hard drive and the wireless controller. Best prices for those two items is the harddrive $95.95 and wireless controller for $42.33. Total price is $378.27.

You are right about being able to play XBOX360 games with just the core system but that is about it. You can not download any backwards compatible software to alow XBOX gameplay on the XBOX360 and you cannot download any additional infomation like new tracks/courses to play or any additional info that might be available for the Xbox360 game that you might have. Your playing and that is it.

My comparison is between the two products that are comparable in hardware. I am sure that if Sony wanted to they could make a PS3 without the hard drive and the Blu-ray and the bluetooth technologies but why do that?
JoeSp said:
if Sony wanted to they could make a PS3 without the hard drive and the Blu-ray and the bluetooth technologies but why do that?

call me crazy but I would think you have a video game system there! :) lets just admit that they are trying and trying and trying to squeeze more money out of us, sony has raised the bar. Microsoft is still saying its a video game system not a hd dvd player, but video game system first. all this money and more expensive makes me want to go back to this current gen as I dont have the money to toss around like that/
Now that it is easier to find an XBox360 Premium, has anyone seen any sales figures on the braindead version?

My guess is that the braindead version will be discontinued within a year.

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