IS there collusion against Barry Bonds?


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Jun 1, 2004
South Florida
I just realized that Barry Bonds has NOT retired and yet NO ONE has signed the guy??!! YES, he is a lighting rod of controversy, from being a a**hole to the steriods, but come cannot tell me some team like the Tigers or the White Sox or the Indians cannot use him as DH?? I mean in only the last 2 years...though injured, he has AVERAGED 27 HR 72 RBIs .490 OBP .545 many 30 year olds in the major can do that....much less a 40 year old!
He may yet wind up as a DH somehere. I would guess that somewhere like Seattle would be a more natural place than Detroit (offense is not really the problem there) or Chicago.

But given his reception in ballparks outside of SF, the criminal indictment and the popular reaction to all athletes involved in steroid allegatiosn I am not sure that actual collusion is going on.
He may yet wind up as a DH somehere. I would guess that somewhere like Seattle would be a more natural place than Detroit (offense is not really the problem there) or Chicago.

But given his reception in ballparks outside of SF, the criminal indictment and the popular reaction to all athletes involved in steroid allegatiosn I am not sure that actual collusion is going on.

Or maybe he has priced himself out. There has been no indication on what he would be asking. IF he is expecting anything in 8 ain't gonna happen.
Or maybe he has priced himself out. There has been no indication on what he would be asking. IF he is expecting anything in 8 ain't gonna happen.

Not the case. According to his agent, Jeff Borris, told ESPN that “no team has made me an offer for any amount at any time since Barry became a free agent.”
I just realized that Barry Bonds has NOT retired and yet NO ONE has signed the guy??!! YES, he is a lighting rod of controversy, from being a a**hole to the steriods, but come cannot tell me some team like the Tigers or the White Sox or the Indians cannot use him as DH?? I mean in only the last 2 years...though injured, he has AVERAGED 27 HR 72 RBIs .490 OBP .545 many 30 year olds in the major can do that....much less a 40 year old!

Don't forget: Bonds is going to have to deal with the looming perjury charges he faces for lying to a grand jury during the BALCO steroids probe. That is no minor offense and no MLB team in their right mind would want the circus that would surely follow.....
Don't forget: Bonds is going to have to deal with the looming perjury charges he faces for lying to a grand jury during the BALCO steroids probe. That is no minor offense and no MLB team in their right mind would want the circus that would surely follow.....

You could be right. But I am very surprised that even the "we will sign anyone that can help" Yankees have not even inquired.
I don't think there is any collusion. He us just old. So what if he can hit a little, his fielding has went way down. He may not make errors, but he can't get to balls and they just go by him.
I just realized that Barry Bonds has NOT retired and yet NO ONE has signed the guy??!! YES, he is a lighting rod of controversy, from being a a**hole to the steriods, but come cannot tell me some team like the Tigers or the White Sox or the Indians cannot use him as DH?? I mean in only the last 2 years...though injured, he has AVERAGED 27 HR 72 RBIs .490 OBP .545 many 30 year olds in the major can do that....much less a 40 year old!

Tigers don't need him, they already have about 5 DH types already.
As far as Collusion .... NO, I don't think Collusion has anything to do with it.
Inless an AL team needs a DH , I don't see where Bonds would go, he's a liability in the field, as far as offensive, you don't know at this point.
I really think no one wants to deal with the headache and media circus.

I don't think there is any collusion. He us just old. So what if he can hit a little, his fielding has went way down. He may not make errors, but he can't get to balls and they just go by him.

In fairness the OP was saying that he should be able to find a job as A DH not in the field.
So we have now moved on to this? At first it was Barry is black thats why everyone is out to get him.

(How quickly everyone forgot about McGuire and and how the media crushed him for andro)

Now that Roger is taking a beating in the media people cant say oh the media is only after Barry cuz he is black.

So we move onto a new subject.

Look boys and girls. Barry is a p##ck. He is arogant, a liar and a cheater.

If he just said yep I took em then everyone would have forgiven and forgotton.

Giambi apologized and most forgave and most forgot, Pettite the same.

Maybe Barry should have just fessed up.
I just realized that Barry Bonds has NOT retired and yet NO ONE has signed the guy??!! YES, he is a lighting rod of controversy, from being a a**hole to the steriods, but come cannot tell me some team like the Tigers or the White Sox or the Indians cannot use him as DH?? I mean in only the last 2 years...though injured, he has AVERAGED 27 HR 72 RBIs .490 OBP .545 many 30 year olds in the major can do that....much less a 40 year old!

Ya know what. This thread is BS.

Its very irresponsible to toss out the race card for this guy.

The fact that Oakland signed Frank Thomas, as an old DH shows that race has nothing to do with it.

I think you should be ashamed of yourself for putting that out there.

Next time you wanna launch the race bomb try adding some facts in there. Show me a guy who isnt an a**hole, or a cheater, now injury prone, and a lightening rod of controversy sitting out there looking for work, who is black and thats one thing. But to toss out Barry's name as proof that GMs in baseball are racist and thats just irresponsible.
Ya know what. This thread is BS.

Its very irresponsible to toss out the race card for this guy.

The fact that Oakland signed Frank Thomas, as an old DH shows that race has nothing to do with it.

I think you should be ashamed of yourself for putting that out there.

Next time you wanna launch the race bomb try adding some facts in there. Show me a guy who isnt an a**hole, or a cheater, now injury prone, and a lightening rod of controversy sitting out there looking for work, who is black and thats one thing. But to toss out Barry's name as proof that GMs in baseball are racist and thats just irresponsible.

WHO threw out the race card? WHERE in the name of Johnny Bench do you see ANYTHING there in my original post does it mention race....? WHERE? You really be ashamed of yourself for insinuating that I threw that out.....or boozing it up BEFORE you come in here is not a good combination.
WHO threw out the race card? WHERE in the name of Johnny Bench do you see ANYTHING there in my original post does it mention race....? WHERE? You really be ashamed of yourself for insinuating that I threw that out.....or boozing it up BEFORE you come in here is not a good combination.

Yeah I owe you an apology. It was HD MM's post that got me going. I re-read it and thought it was you who wrote that.

I would edit my post but thats not fair to you. I screwed up.

As for HD MM his comment about race was the one that set me off and I mistakenly attributed it to you.

As for boozing it up its only 1:30 PM Im not good and liquored up till 1:30 AM. (and if you knew me, then youd know that that isnt really true because I dont drink that often.)

Again sorry Salsa. As for collusion, how in the hell can you find fault with noone hiring Bonds, who up until Clemens came to light, was labeled the biggest bad guy in the sport?

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