iTether -- wired USB iPhone to Mac/PC tethering. No Jailbreak requires

I saw that on other sites. I don't need it since I have MyWi, but even without MyWi I will still be a little apprehensive about paying $15 for an APP that may not work after the next firmware update.
And... it works! Very easy setup on the mac. I am sending this using the app. Has possibilities for eliminating the need for that MiFi card. Assuming Big Red does not catch on. I am sure they will eventually. :(
Many of us have ZERO desire to use jailbreak - and since this app got approved by Apple, I am not worried. Indeed, if it disappears, I'll simply demand a refund.
And... it works! Very easy setup on the mac. I am sending this using the app. Has possibilities for eliminating the need for that MiFi card. Assuming Big Red does not catch on. I am sure they will eventually. :(
Watch out for those text messages and e-mails warning you that they will automatically put you on a tethering plan. I got one when I was on vacation and away from wifi, so I accumulated a lot of data. I wasn't even tethering.
Many of us have ZERO desire to use jailbreak
I know that. This is a good alternative for those. I will just be a little apprehensive of trying something that may not work very long or force your carrier to charge you a fee.

When I installed MyWi this was a long time before ATT even offered tethering as an option. At that time they had no way of tracking, nor was I trying to take service for free that I would normally have to pay for. At that time the money for MyWi was worth it. Since then I haven't used it.
- and since this app got approved by Apple, I am not worried. Indeed, if it disappears, I'll simply demand a refund.
It is not APPLE you have to worry about; it is your carrier.
Historically, wired-tethering has managed to get around the carriers. PDANet still works on Verizon. Not losing sleep over it.
Yep. No longer available in iTunes.

Does it still work if you already downloaded it? Some on other sites say it doesn't work anymore either. (Don't know why it wouldn't if you already downloaded it)
I got the text last month and I've given up on jailbreaks altogether. It's too much effort to try staying one step ahead of these guys. It's very disappointing that this nation's wireless broadband is in the hands of just a few greedy corporations.

Panic pictures with auto upload?

Just picked up a Samsung Galaxy II S from ATT

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