JaMarcus Russell blames his lack of progress in the NFL due to sleep apnea...


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Jun 1, 2004
South Florida
...I know that this is a football thread type issue, but it was just so stupid that it needed a thread by itself!


ROFLMAO! :haha:haha:haha:haha:haha

JaMarcus Russell blames sleep apnea, Tom Cable, bad teammates

Posted by Michael David Smith on October 25, 2011, 3:22 PM EDT

This week’s Sports Illustrated catches up with JaMarcus Russell to find out how the 2007 first overall draft pick views his failed career, now that he’s out of football at age 26. Among the details: Russell feels some ill will toward former coach Tom Cable, thinks his teammates deserve as much blame as he does for the Raiders’ problems, and says the reason he had trouble staying awake in team meetings is that he has sleep apnea.

“In the NFL, my first year, I had to be there at 6:30 [a.m.] before practice and be on the treadmill for an hour,” Russell said. “Then meetings come, I sit down, eat my fruit. We watch film, and maybe I got tired. Coach Flip [quarterback coach John DeFilippo] pulled me aside and said, ‘What are you doing for night life?’ I said, ‘Coach, I’m just chilling.’ He said, ‘I need to get you checked out.’ I did the sleep test, and they said I had apnea.”

The Raiders went 7-18 in the 25 games Russell started, and he says it upsets him that he’s always singled out as the reason the Raiders were losers during his three-year tenure with the club.

“Things weren’t going right, and it felt sometimes like everything fell back on me,” Russell said. “I take some responsibility, but I was one guy. . . . I may have missed a throw, but I didn’t give up 42 points, I didn’t miss a block.”

Russell also said his coach, Tom Cable, betrayed him by blaming him for the Raiders’ problems.

“I stuck my neck out for him,” Russell said of Cable. “Didn’t complain when he benched me as the starter. Didn’t complain when he called the same plays five damn times. Didn’t [badmouth] him to other coaches. When the [media] asks me, I say, ‘He’s a good coach, a good guy.’ Then I hear he says I was the worst thing ever happened to the Raiders, if it weren’t for him we’d be in the playoffs?”

If Russell thinks this kind of interview is going to rehabilitate his public image, he’s wrong. The best thing Russell could do now is own up to his failings as the Raiders’ quarterback. Or say nothing at all.

JaMarcus Russell blames sleep apnea, Tom Cable, bad teammates | ProFootballTalk
His fat neck! Remember that was my nick name for this loser? Lol. Classic it's everyone else's fault.and there you have the results.
This has caused many to fail, or never to get off their ass to begin with.

JR also wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

All he had to do is do his job and stay in shape...nothing more and nothing less. I am sure there are plenty QBs in the NFL that are a can or 2 short of a six pack...but you do not need to be a Rhodes Scholar to just stay in shape and do your job.
you're right, you don't need to be. but you gotta be smart and that he wasn't. had all the physical talent in the world but he was a dumbass. but his worse problem was work ethics. he was one lazy athlete.i always saw that from him which is why i called him a bust since day one. and once i saw how he held out to get his contract it was obvious to me that he was going to do even less after cashing in. the kid does have a canon for an arm but useless at this point.pack of hot dogs on that fat neck of his :D
and i don't know if he blew all of his money away already but if he did thats another sign how smart the guy is............ FAT ASS lol........
good example of this salsa is chad henne. he's got the arm but the guy sure is dumb hehe........ nice guy but not too sharp up there. and you can see how it affects his game. again like you said a qb doesn't need to be a rhode scholar but you can't be a dummy either
good example of this salsa is chad henne. he's got the arm but the guy sure is dumb hehe........ nice guy but not too sharp up there. and you can see how it affects his game. again like you said a qb doesn't need to be a rhode scholar but you can't be a dummy either

I have to disagree with you here Rey. What does Henne have to throw to? The Dolphins has completely missused Bush, missued a decent possesion WR in Best and you have a head coach that is SUPPOSEDLY an offensive line guru...and the line cannot protect the QB and cannot open wholes for the running back. OH, and the so called elite WR has not been very elite.... None of that falls on Henne nor his lack of intelligence....
I have to disagree with you here Rey. What does Henne have to throw to? The Dolphins has completely missused Bush, missued a decent possesion WR in Best and you have a head coach that is SUPPOSEDLY an offensive line guru...and the line cannot protect the QB and cannot open wholes for the running back. OH, and the so called elite WR has not been very elite.... None of that falls on Henne nor his lack of intelligence....
well henne has definitely improved this season but it may be too late. his intelligence has come into question with his decision making and the ability to read defenses. he's a slow learner. your points are all valid which is why i said not so long ago the chad wasn't the problem this season. but it took him too long and part of that i have to blame on his intelligence. he'll be a free agent after this season. i think we need to move on to what hopefully would be a guy like luck. and hopefully he won't be a bust.but i can tell you that later :D . and of course i hope he would come here. at that point it will depend who we have as a coach.if its a guy that we're pretty sure will get the job done then luck should have no problem coming here.
sorry for hijacking your thread. wasn't my intention. i'll stop now hehe.....:eek:
well henne has definitely improved this season but it may be too late. his intelligence has come into question with his decision making and the ability to read defenses. he's a slow learner. your points are all valid which is why i said not so long ago the chad wasn't the problem this season. but it took him too long and part of that i have to blame on his intelligence. he'll be a free agent after this season. i think we need to move on to what hopefully would be a guy like luck. and hopefully he won't be a bust.but i can tell you that later :D . and of course i hope he would come here. at that point it will depend who we have as a coach.if its a guy that we're pretty sure will get the job done then luck should have no problem coming here.
sorry for hijacking your thread. wasn't my intention. i'll stop now hehe.....:eek:

No worries Rey, nothing wrong with discussion when you bring valid points to the table. I think, IF they get Luck or any other QB from the draft, you have to keep Henne as the back. He knows the system...well, the OLD system. They are more than likely bringing in a new coach and HOPEFULLY a new GM to the the team.
thats exactly how i always felt about russell before he was drafted. salsa knows this. and i'm glad to hear others say the same thing including my bud salsa. this guy is just a bumb imo. a waste. he don't give a s***. and it was over the moment he signed that huge contract. boy am i glad we finally have the rookie cap or whatever it is so people like him don't hold organizations hostage like he did with the raiders for a bunch of money. what an overpaid bust. FAT NECK! :D
Dwayne Bowe of the Chiefs (among many other talented players) was JR's primary receiver at LSU. With a guy like that chasing down your slings, you can look like a Heisman candidate without ever having to learn to read a defense. :)

Thoughts to Ponder

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