Many long time owned subs are finally leaving in droves/how to fix dish bag network

It seems like a compromise situation no matter who you go with.

I almost went with D* last year but they discontinued Versus for most of the hockey season and I wanted the NHL games. This was a real surprise, because D* rarely pulled channels over a pricing dispute -- especially sports channels.

I also looked at FIOS but their Center Ice/Extra Innings packages had 1 (ONE!) HD channel and it was shared when the seasons overlapped.

I am staying with Dish now even though I can't get my RSN's with the HD Absolute package. But this package is such a bargain that I can't see changing for these 2 channels and paying close to double my current cost with Dish. But when HD Absolute is discontinued, I will be looking at other providers for the full time HD RSN's, the MLB channel and more HD broadcasts in the Center Ice package. All other things being equal, I would pay another $10-$15/month to get this.

None of the providers is perfect, so you have to pick the one that offers the most of what you want at the price you are willing to pay.
I know, I know.

But the only way is to Lease it, is from a 3rd party. And that $199.:(

Asking D* for one directly I don't think will work.

So D* isn't leasing HR24s and you have to get them from a third party? I'd have to have an HR24 if I went to D*. Otherwise I'd kill myself. The HR whatever at the cabin is so freakishly slow I have time to go to the kitchen and bathroom when changing a channel. :)
New ownership would help out nicely because Charlie has already made so many enemies that it is beyond repair. Thats right Charlie, please resign or sell out before you ship sinks with yourself on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Disney fiasco is just one big joke!!!!
I had been a long time Dish Network customer and I left last week. I left because of all the problems with my account and the high equipment fees. I gave them a chance to fix my account problems for a year and nobody gave a crap about fixing it. I voiced my frustrations with this company by dropping them. I always said that if you want this company to listen, do it with your wallet.

Most of you know that I've always defended Dish Network when the Directv members came to the Dish Network forum but now I sit on the other side of the fence. Boy, I can now understand how the Directv members felt about us Dish Network members. For SOME of you, Dish Network cannot do wrong, Charlie walks on water like somebody else said in one of the post. All I can say is that we all have a choice and if Dish Network meets your needs, good for you but don't try to ignore the problems that a lot of customers are having with Dish Network. Their new policies and their billing and equipment system needs fixing. Oh and the programming disputes, these disputes are just bad PR for the company.

My two cents and I know I'll get the usual "Bye, See ya, Don't let the door hit......." :)

I'm bored now because I can't find anything else to fix or complain with Directv. :)

Edit: Forgot to add, I know Directv also has problems and I expect to have some issues with them but nothing like Dish Network.

Nothing wrong with switching providers I do it myself and Charlie? don't care it's just that simple.If you don't like it leave I did for awhile then when I wanted more SD Premium channels I left D*.If I ever go HD I'll probably go back to D* for the best deal.See I deal in facts what's higher priced what's lower priced.When I was with D* if I could have had a DVR like Dish's 625 I would have given my left you know what for it.:eek::).And that's after operating D*'s R15,HR10-250,and R22.

So it's ironic that this time with Dish I have no dog in this fight...I still have my channels!.:D
Thanks. Didn't wanna to post that I had left Dish Network but giving the circumstances.....:)

Hey Randall let us know if Dish contacts you to try and win you back. I never wanted to leave, but did for certain programing that Dish refused to offer. It has almost been a year ago after better than 5 years of being a sub, I have never received one phone call, letter, etc. It just seems that they didn't give damn.
Hey Randall let us know if Dish contacts you to try and win you back. I never wanted to leave, but did for certain programing that Dish refused to offer. It has almost been a year ago after better than 5 years of being a sub, I have never received one phone call, letter, etc. It just seems that they didn't give damn.

Don't think they will I never did when I left in March 2006.Only got flyers in the mail from independent contractors.Don't think it's in Dish's budget.

Now D* whowee I left in October 2009 and yesterday got letter number 16 I believe.offering me $200 to pay off my contract,$ for 1 year,free HDDVR and HD receiver and 3 months of HBO and Starz I think(might be 2 other Premium Services).I told them when I left I was SD only.:confused:

Makes you wonder how D* can offer all these things and which company is hurting the worse.The company that offers alot of goodies or the one that offers less.:confused:
Also, who's to say that nobody's cooking the books? If dish cant be trusted with programming negotations, and even the goverment cant trust dish with Distant networks, who's to say that dish isnt intentionally cooking the books, or paying off the independent auditor. Fraud like that happens all the time... Look at Illinois past governers all in jail, or soon to be... George Ryan, and then the man known as Blogggggggoooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Just sayin, if it can happen there, it can happen anywhere.

Well I canceled service the other day and found my 722s could still record and had over 30 channels including one with topless dancing girls, the barkers, dish earth and a few others.

Perhaps E does this to try to get you back? or to hide cancels as a low level package that makes them a few bucks, with the sales ones?

I do not know but it looks suspicioous.

I have been going around cutting cables and phone lines........ its fun.

whatever future provider I get E has the skull and cross bones on it. for you young members thats what was put on rat poision and other bad things before mr yuk came along.

If I ever hear from E I will post all offers, may help others...

Me??? NO
That $14 - $17 fee is over the top :rant:

I dodged that bullet by only getting one 211k unit on the living room HD TV and sending the channel 3-4 output to three other TVs throughout the home also added the EHD to make it a DVR. :)
Staying with Dish. I have better line of sight to Dish HD sats than Direct HD sats. Also, I own so much Dish hardware it would be costly to switch. And I would have to retrain my wife to use the different remotes, etc.
And Hidden price increases.

yeah no duh! With satguys posting the oh so good news ;) I can at least prepare myself for when relatives call me with "why the hell did my dish bill go up $6?" and explain those 3 non DVR SD receivers you have for $5 are now $7 "just because"

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