MPEG-4 will initially be MPEG-2!

Think they may go full res (Im hoping) when true mpeg4 comes round , as right now 7 CONUS channels are coming + 16 HDLiL (supposedly), would explain, 23 additional HD chans, 3x transponder, about 7 of em (well, 8) vs the 4xTP, for 5 transponders or so (just that space saves a bit)

Here is to hoping!
mdonnelly said:
Okay, now THAT pisses me off. The channels will be in MPEG-2, but hidden from MPEG-2 receivers because they want to push MPEG-4, but MPEG-4 isn't ready yet??? :eek: That is so wrong!
Total BS! :mad:
Most likely they will be playing with the MPEG-4 encoders, and want the freedom to turn them on and off whenever they want to do so. Probably be an interesting transition time good pq/bad pq/ good/bad back and forth over and over until they get it right.

Remember MPEG-4 real time encoders are new. There will be a lot of playing with them until they get something that works. Then new generations of encoders will come out allowing them to either to increase resolution or add more channels...
Just FYI, heres the channels in the system that are marked "mpeg4" yet transmit mpeg2 content:

9473 (TRESR)
9475 (WORLD)
9477 (WSPOR)
9485 (GAMEP)
9486 (FAMLY)
9427 (UNIHD)

Espn2hd channel type changed from mpeg4 to mpeg2 last week. NYC and LA locals are marked mpeg2 and transmit mpeg2.

One final note, unihd shows 1920x1080i resolution. :eek:
hummmm... witch leads me to believe that voom and networks will get the shaft of down rezzing while everyone else gets full hd.. lets hope that its a perminate thing and not a ces thing :) and UNIHD gets true hd :)

PS... I keep thinking UNIHD is Univision hd everytime i see it for some reason LOL.. damm spanish stations
Oh man, those mexican soap stars wear so much makeup, they'd look HORRIBLE in HD...


I still don't get why you guys are ready to sign up for the BUGGIEST BOXES EVER just for a few more channels...Is it really worth it? Go buy some advil, you're going to need it after the chat tonight and for the foreseeable future...
HokieEngineer said:
One final note, unihd shows 1920x1080i resolution. :eek:
Which makes sense because it share a TP with ESPN2HD and FoxHD, both 720p correct? So plenty bandwidth there. But there's still the bandwidth on a TP for 3 1920 channels anyways so oh well, it's just some stigmatism with the voom for some reason
mdonnelly said:
Hey Gary! Nice work keeping this info inside the Pub area.

I dont normally like to poke folks but all I ever see from this guy is bitch, bitch bitch and then this. I just completely pass over his posts since I can stand listening to his bitching. I have a wife for that.

It was simple, dont post this but of course, that was too hard to follow. I am sure his reponse will be "wasnt in sat guys forum". Jeez, this is why lawyers exist to define specific rules because there is no common sense.
yaz96 said:
I paid $20.00 to get this info, guess I just needed to wait until Gary squeaked....
Hopefully you donated because you got information of value from the regular site or because we save you money. We don't want you to donate just to get extra info here.

It is my hope we can teach you, to provide you with information you wouldnt have read anywhere but here first and to save you money.

Thanks everyone for your support. :)
Nope you need to pay the site, Scott needs the money

nowhere on this site did I leak the info, nor will I, nor did I mention anything in my AVS post

Brewer I guess you missed my daily updates during the Voom fiasco of which I broke to Sat Guys in the first place, but you defend HD-Lite so I guess you didn't care anyway

I would have given 100$ or more to scott and the guys if someone would have stood up for True HD at CES

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wow Gary you sound really sad, check your nose you might have some brown stuff on it.
plenty of us would have paid to have a voice at CES for True HDTV, unforunately not everyone could make it to CES

I gladly donated to help out and felt good about it after I heard Sat Guys was going to represent True HD, I was disappointed on that one

and may I add if someone does not announce this to the forum here ASAP, then when things like up the sh*t is going to hit the fan, because someone who watch's this technical stuff is going to splatter it everywhere and that will be after everyone has upgraded to mpeg4 and has been lied to

Look Gary I dont like HD-Lite either but there is a time and place and way of getting the message across. I am also positive Scott had conversations about this with the powers that be but telling them your picture looks like s**t stop it or I quit isnt the proper way. There is more involved about business dynamics than picture quality to HD purests.

Also, information was provided as an added bonus and not to be posted but because YOU the individual thinks it needs to be announced ASAP, you posted it. You made that decision on your own and you now you have to take responsibility for you actions. You are passionate and have strong beliefs which I agree with for the most part but you might want to just take it down a notch. You might get more respect and influence in convincing folks to your ideas/beliefs.
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Gary Murrell said:
and may I add if someone does not announce this to the forum here ASAP, then when things like up the sh*t is going to hit the fan, because someone who watch's this technical stuff is going to splatter it everywhere and that will be after everyone has upgraded to mpeg4 and has been lied to
Gary, as a direct result of your AVS posts, this info WILL get back here into the main forums, without a doubt.

You've breached a confidence that Scott trusted us with. If you had issues with that, you should have taken them up with Scott offline, before posting outside the Pub area. You might have convinced him to release you from that trust, but I guess you didn't take the time to do that.

Your actions have endangered Scott's ability to gather information from inside sources, and to share it within a limited circle.
nowhere was anyone's name or even website mentioned, if my post does make it back here, no one knows where the info came from, in no way shape or form

Scott is trusted with info, and I think folks know and understand that enough so that they won't use his name or even mention the sat guys website on other message boards when posting info, so that not to risk him anything in gaining future info

Before you guys go any further with your witch-hunt on Gary would you please post the link to where he supposedly devulged all this. I looked over there and didn't see it. Not saying it isn't there, only that I didn't see it, which could just mean that I didn't look hard enough.

Anyway, the issue of what he said or didn't say outside the pub aside, as far as Gary's passion about HD PQ quality and his position on the downrez situation, that's not a reason to run him down. He's put a lot into this forum and just because you don't happen to feel as intensly as he does, doesn't make him a bad person.

Personally, I think it's ok that Scott shared this MEPG2/MPEG4 information here first but also think it should have gone out on the main forum a while later - at least some time before the Chat tonight but that's Scott's call and I'll respect his decision not to do that, even if I don't agree.

Now if you want to make fun of the silly hat in Gary's avatar, I'll join you:D

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