new to FTA free to air

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 23, 2012
Norwalk Wi
Hello My Name is Jimmy. I live in Norwalk Wi. I am glad I found this fourm. I got FTA sysytem given to me. It a GEO pro disk with a fortecstar mercury 2. I did not know what FTA was Si I giigked it. fourn this fourm and a manuail for the recirver. I have 2 LNBF's but oped for the one LMBF install beacuse I did not have the swicth to get two sat in the box. I have it set for transsponder type 10750 and freq to 11842 and horz poloration. My S/S is up there around 93. SQ is about 40. I had it up to 54 then mived the dish to far and lost galaxy 19 all together. it took my about 15 mins to get it back. I moved to dish left and right and up and down i moved to LNBF in and out not change in SQ I reread the things i printed out for the install again. I was thinking a in line amp may help but I have to get one so the first question is which type? allso I managed to get the dish up and rg6 ran and the elavation and skew set from my wheel chir so there pretty easy to install. I gave up trying last night and put my grounidin block in. So what am i forgetting? I scaned the tp and got 156 channals but once I get the SQ back up to 54 or higher I will get more I am sure. once i get that swicth to recieve 2 sat I and hoping to recieve bolth G19 abd SES 2. any thought welcomed. I have to do tweekes from y chair so it like stating over when I tweek. jimmy
Welcome to the forum Jimmy. That's pretty cool that you got it locked onto G19. Good going. For a second satellite, you'll need a switch and another dish and LNBF. How long is your RG6 between the dish and the receiver.
InLine Amps- . They can only compensate for losses in a long cable run. It won't increase Quality. The only thing that increases Quality reading is getting the dish tuned to the utmost, and a bigger dish. (BTW- how long is your coax, dish to the receiver? 200+ft(?)
Pic of my dish 'farm' -


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Welcome to the forum Jimmy, sounds like you did your homework, sometimes it's hard for newcomers to get a dish aligned just right. Since you have found signal, just need to do some tweaking. If you have looked , and can get both horizontal and vertical channels, then you are very very close. If you have no motor on the dish, then a little east/west adjustment and/or elevation tweak may be all it takes. There was over 240 channels on G19 the last time I scanned it, some are scrambled but many aren't. Plus a lot of radio channels from all over the place. Let us know your progress. Hint: most of us find it easier to take the receiver and tv out to the dish to fine=tune. If you have extension cords, and maybe a little help to do that, it shouldn't be too hard to bring in maximum signal.
Hi,First sorry for all the typosin my first post. THank you both. my run of RG 6 is some were around 50 to 60 feet. I can trim a good 10 ft off maybe more. I wanted to make sure I had enough to do what i needed to. yes I can get both Horz vert channals. for getting SES 2 as well as Galaxy 19 you mean I cant use the dual LNBF bracket ( i do have one) i also have another LNBF & the switch arrived today. I did some tweeks today. first I maked with a marker were the dish was before I moved anything. I move the LNBF in and out tuned it small amounts I tunrd it untill SQ went up then down and then back to about were it was highest. I move the dish up and down to the point that it i move it a hair up or down from were is is now loose G 19 it most be a east west tweek. I will try that in the morning. It takes me a while with my chair. I never thought of taking the reciever and a TV outside. If it nor raining I will try that I will make my lifemuch easier thanks for the tip. right now I have 262 channals including scramabled ones my signal after today on 11842 is around 93 SS and from 40 to somtimes as high as 44 SQ. what is the weakest TP on G19?I figure maybe I can try using the weakest TP to fine tune. I post tomorrow how things go thanks again for the tipsJimmy
you know I had a thought. some have said dish and direct TV dishes could work I think they may be to small but then I am a newbie, my GEOsat pro dish is much larger. I think yop work for Ku dishes need to be around 3 ft across right? I keep my eyes open for a second disk right now that cheaper than a motor.OH no! I got the bug! Jimmy
Welcome to the site Jimmy.
Thanks for the welcome, I am enjoying the furm there is so much info here Wow! this place rocks. =)Jimmy
you know I had a thought. some have said dish and direct TV dishes could work I think they may be to small but then I am a newbie, my GEOsat pro dish is much larger. I think yop work for Ku dishes need to be around 3 ft across right? I keep my eyes open for a second disk right now that cheaper than a motor.OH no! I got the bug! Jimmy
I have a Turbo HD dish pointed at 97w, that dishnetwork left behind after I canceled.
I replaced the LNBF with an linear LNBF and I had to extend the LNBF arm about a little more than 1 inch to get a better signal. I can get over 200 channels, but just a tiny adjustment makes a big difference. This is a stationary dish.
I am one of those guys that takes the receiver and Tv outside to the dish when I set up or adjust any of my dishes. If you make adjustment, make small ones and then wait for a while. Also a cheap signal meter will help to get max signal by aligning the dish better and then after you have max signal then do fine tuning so your signal goes up at your receiver . I sure would like to have one of those expensive meters, but i can not afford it.
And welcome to this forum Jimmy.
To answer that question-you should be able to use that twin bracket with both lnbfs, if the bracket is made for that distance between satellites. Haven't used one of them, but I have aimed those old dishnetwork twin-lnbf dishes several years ago. It can be a little tricky, but sounds like you can handle it. Considering what you've done already. A+ on thinking about marking the pole before making adjustments-good point for all.
Jimmy, Just my opinion but most of the transponders on 97W are pretty strong...a 30" or 36" should bring them all in without a problem.There's some good shows on Kuwait 2..Al Jazeera, River Broadcasting etc..BTW Welcome to a great hobby that at times will cause you to pull your hair out! But it's a lot of fun....Blind
hi,well I tweeked today got my SQ up to 55. I dont think I choose the best spot. there is a tree th was sure I was clear of my sigan is around 94 and sq is 55. what ch is Kuwait 2? I like Al Jazeera engilish , River Broadcasting and the EBRU tv. all all our channal numers the same? there is only a few ch on G 19 for some reason I am nogeting. I tryed to get the dual lnbf working today no luck there I am doing something wrong there and I am not sure what. any way my signal is @93 and SQ is 55 some P are in the low 40's it seems that is i move the dish a hair left of right G19 is done then I get it back mive the dish up a hair it gone and down a hair its done. i wanted a place were i could get to it with my chair I dint have money to pay some to climb up my on my roof to get it higher. 7 i cant climb up there. I am strating to think a motor is the best way to go. i get all comfessed trying to fig out were to aim the dual bracket to be in the middle of both SES 2 and G!9. So G19 is woking and like I said I am enjoying the eveing programng on Al Jazeera engilish , River Broadcasting and the EBRU tv any ine know were EBRU tv is out of? JimmyPSthanks every one for making me feel welcome and the tips
Everyones channel # is different, it depends how many channels someone can get on there receiver.
Folks here go by sattellite name or satellite location, than transponder, sid , vip and apid etc
For example KTV 2, would be on 97w sat location, transponder is 12028, sid 7010, vpid 7012, apid 7013 etc
This information can be found on lyngsat.... for 97 w and KTV2 is 1/2 way down the page.
If your receiver did not scan this channel in, then on most receivers you can enter it manual and you maybe able to watch it if the signal is strong enough.

The numbers on the left is the transponder, Ku transponders have 5 digit #'s like 12028, C-band would have 4 digit #'S
Then the #'s almost to the right would be the sid,vpid and apid.
2nd colum would be channel name.
You can also click on some of the channel names and that will link you to their websites and programming schedule.
I live in the city, but if you would come to my house you would think that you are in a forest and that raised questions if I even could receive sat signals. Before i started to set any of my dishes up I went to to get all the data like elevation,amuzth and skew etc. per sat I would like to get.
Then I went out to my yard and set my telescope up and put a anglefinder on it and pointed to the sats I wanted and looked through the telescop to see if I could hit the sat without a tree or brench being in sight. Some folks here using a piece of pipe and look through it to do the same and to scope out a good location.
One time I done this and it was almost dark, when I looked through the telescope I seen a small reflection from the sun and it almost looked like a star. I had my scope pointed at it for at leased 1/2 hour, but it did not move and then from 1 minute to next it disapeared . I figured out that it was a satellite and when the shade from earth was hitting it , it disappeard. My whole family was able to see it and it was very exiting.
Hi That sounds pretty cool see the bird like that. All going well. I was able to peak the dish so that SQ was over 50 on almost every transponer on G-19. one problem was rhe bolt that holds to dish was bent. I replaced it Sq went up amos right away. The other thing was i shorted my run og RG6 that help to I was sirprized as my run is under 100 feet. So I desided maybe I should try and line up the cual LNBF that came with the sysytem. I am confussed they say to use lnbf number one for AMC4 (SES1) & Lmbf number two for G-19. G-19 is around 192 degrees and SES1 is like 198 degrees. so AMC4 (SES1) should be about 3/16th of a inch to the left of G-19. I can get G-19 easy with one LNBF and I beleave @ one point I did have AMC4 (SES1) as I wacth a 747 piggy backing the space shuttle. Thing is they say to use LMBF 1 on the left from behind for SES1 and number 2 on the left for G19. but AMC4 (SES1) is thhe right of G19 right? using 2 LNBF makes things allot harder. So with trail and error I figured out that is I was on SES1 and wanted to realine the dish I would move the 3/16th of a inch to the left right? (clear as mud i guess). I looked alover the net to find a aiming poit beteewn AMC4 (SES1) & G19. I must be looking in the wrong places. So it would stand to reason (icould be wrong) that is the two birds are around 3/16 of a inch apart. that i would subtract x degrre from SES1s heading ans add that same amount to G19s heading its like 195 dfgree were that meet (x = 3 degrees). now for the swek if i seet AMC4 (SES1) it posative 10.6 or G19 which is posative 6.6? that would be the long way. I thought to well I will just put the 2 LNBFs in the bracket make Lnbf one g19 and tune in G19 the hopfully when I plug into lnbf 2 SES1 should work Hi Hi! honesly I cant find a aiming point for bolth and I have looked all over the fourm i must be using the search tool wrong. on a side note one I get my GEOsat pro dish lined up i have a old direct tv disk to play with so see if I can make it work for FTA. IT for sure would be a good reflecter for a bie tei or some other antenna for OTA. I also made a couple home brew yagis to 2 meter an 70cm ham band for working the birds. I dint do that offten so maybe I can rework them to get my local stations as weel as G19 and SES1 on FTA. as well say in ham radio73Jimmy KC9PXZ
I checked your call on and saw your summary and photo there. You are obviously a technogeek (that's a good thing!). After you've monkeyed for a while with your current dish arrangement, I'd advise you to install a motor on your dish. It's more complicated (you can handle it), but your curiosity will never be satisfied until you can try receiving some of the other satellites available on Ku band. You won't find the number of channels on other satellites as are on Galaxy 19, but you'll find interesting programming and feeds on other satellites.
yep adding a motor is next on my list. i have it working great on G19. I just cant help it, i was to keep trying to get both LNBFs receiving. Jimmy
There is a satellite right between 97W and 101W. It's at 99W called Galaxy 16. There is a strong transponder at 11800 H 30000 with Shalom TV, but it is HD so I don't think your receiver will see it. But there are also audio channels and scrambled signals on this satellite that can be received. Check The List here for details. Also click here for a youtube about your set up: you probably know all this by now though.
been a long time, FTA dish working well enjoying the english channels and some times the non enlish channels. I never was able to line up 2 sats G19 abs SES1. I will get a motor and install it in the spring. it would be nice to get some PBS or NBC ABC or CBS and PBS over the winter. I got my hands on a old prime star LNB and two diret TV dishs one with the LNB's and one without. I thinks I can do somthinf with them. well hope you all say warm and have a good hollydayJimmy
Jimmy C I would put a tv antenna to receive local channels most networks are on c band few like NBC are on KU band on 103w. PBS is on 87w but that is MPEG-4 HD so you would need a top of the line receiver.

Dan Rose
97W has always been my first "go to" satellite to line up, so I do not know why you can not get it. I set either TBN or Daystar to look for and usually find them very quickly. Do not give up. Those two stations almost always have "bugs" in the corners to identify them, and they are distinctive - at least to me.
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