New Voom Ad on ESPN


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jun 15, 2004
I saw a new ad for Voom on ESPN this morning. It said something about 6 months free or discounted and a 3 room installation for $1. That part I definatley remember. 3 rooms for $1! That should get more people looking into Voom that didn't like the huge installation fees they went to.

I was watching ESPN on VOOM a couple of days ago and saw a VOOM ad. I was pleasantly surprised. I quickly changed to the ESPN feed from my cable provider, Adelphia. I saw an ADELPHIA ad there. I think that Voom may be inserting their ad when ESPN tells them to insert a local ad. I don't think that this is actually the national ESPN feed when the Voom ad shows.


$5 stb rumor

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