Newegg's $50 Premier is like Amazon Prime, but without the video streaming

I suppose there is an audience for this, but I for one just don't order enough from Newegg for it to be worthwhile. And I wonder who does. Amazon has a wide range of products, while Newegg is relatively limited.
I suppose there is an audience for this, but I for one just don't order enough from Newegg for it to be worthwhile. And I wonder who does. Amazon has a wide range of products, while Newegg is relatively limited.

They would be more for someone building a lot of computers or something like that.
You'd be surprised at what newegg has these days,appliances,electronics,and they are expanding all the time.With Amazon being forced to charge tax here in NC,Newegg is picking up more business from me now.
I already have the free 2 days shipping from Newegg from the free Shoprunner account from Amex. :p

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