No TNTHD for Sunday Ticket? TNT takes the Hit

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Dec 28, 2004
Cheshire CT
Anyone else not receiving channel 75? I am getting a 721 message. D* says they have had several other calls with the same problem. The tech said it is their fault, but that anyone else with the same problem should call in.
Same problem here in CA...called DTV and CSR told me that they were not aware of any problems.
I bet you guys don't subscribe to NFLST. I do, and when switch to 75 I get a Sunday Ticket message. Looks like they somehow mapped a Sunday ticket channel to TNTHD by mistake. That's probably why you're getting the 721 unsubscribed message.
gbubar said:
Same problem here in CA...called DTV and CSR told me that they were not aware of any problems.

I'll bet that you were talking to tier 1 support. Their knowledge
gpg said:
I bet you guys don't subscribe to NFLST. I do, and when switch to 75 I get a Sunday Ticket message. Looks like they somehow mapped a Sunday ticket channel to TNTHD by mistake. That's probably why you're getting the 721 unsubscribed message.

Very interesting, but stupid! (In my best Artie Johnson voice):D (D*, not you gpg!)
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I called the CSR and was told that it's a "broadcast issue" and they hope to have it resolved shortly. I asked if this was going to be down until after the ST HD games are done, she couldn't answer. This will really stink if they now have to steal TNT-HD in order to do NFL-ST HD channels.
rad said:
This will really stink if they now have to steal TNT-HD in order to do NFL-ST HD channels.
Somebody on AVS claims that somebody at D* told them just that. I hope that is just another ignorant CSR giving out bad info.
raoul5788 said:
I'll bet that you were talking to tier 1 support. Their knowledge

No, I was talking to Retention and then Tech Services...neither section had any idea there was a problem:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I'm on hold now, the rep statrted the script about resetting and I told her is wasn't just here in CMH but Austin, NC, and CT also. That stopped her in her tracks and she's escalating!

They had no idea there was a problem so I suggested they have their engineers check this thread since it's been out over 3 hours nationwide!
rad said:
I called the CSR and was told that it's a "broadcast issue" and they hope to have it resolved shortly. I asked if this was going to be down until after the ST HD games are done, she couldn't answer. This will really stink if they now have to steal TNT-HD in order to do NFL-ST HD channels.
Normally that is not the case, they borrow from the PPV's for the time being.
I would have to think that TNT is quite pissed about this, or TNT has already set up an agreement with D* ....
Of course it could still be just a mistake with mapping .....
Well see what happens when we gat closer to game time, IF it's a lack of bandwidth and they are borrowing for the time being then I would imagine it will be back up by 4 pm if not sooner, seeing there are alot fewer 4 pm games.

way to go D* (clap)
you are just awesome
hard to believe E* even stays afloat with your great service............rob peter to pay paul......that's the way to run a business, Yeah
unbelievable. First they downrezz everything to make room for ST HD and now the steal channels entirely. Here is the post at AVS:

zorro99 said:
DIRECTV Each SUNDAY is switching TNT HD over to NFL Direct Ticket.
Just called those jerks as everyone is getting error msg 721.

They said TNTHD is being replaced every Sunday with NFL Sunday Ticket.
No Nextel Nascar Chase in HD if any race is on TNT HD Sunday.
Rep said we can watch it on SD channel.
What a Tinker Toy OUTFIT!!!!
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rkr0923 said:
way to go D* (clap)
you are just awesome
hard to believe E* even stays afloat with your great service............rob peter to pay paul......that's the way to run a business, Yeah

And with no warning or notice :rolleyes:
On my H10 the banner says "TNT HD Returns at 8pm ET" and I get the slide about NFLST. Jesus, if I was working for D* today, I'd leave as soon as this sh*t happened.
Not to turn this into a switching thread but I had already made the decision to go to Dish. Not because of this but because of FSNHD on conus bird. This is unbelieveable.
Looks more and more like this is planned or they are covering their tracks. Right now the info banner says "TNT HD returns @ 8pm ET" I don't have ST, wonder if they are now showing the game listing.
I just got off the phone with DirecTV about this. I was polite and told them I didn't appreciate them taking HD NASCAR off to placate ST users. They said they doen't discout customers bills for "minor inconvieniences like this.

Digital Dude said:
I just got off the phone with DirecTV about this. I was polite and told them I didn't appreciate them taking HD NASCAR off to placate ST users. They said they doen't discout customers bills for "minor inconvieniences like this.


I'll bet they didn't even bother to point out to you that the NASCAR race was last night.
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