Norsat 8115 lnb

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 14, 2004
Is this a good cband lnb.I am thinking about getting one. the norsat 8115
I've read good reports on it, but I don't have one. There are people on here that do have it. I'm sure they will comment sooner or later. You might get a quicker answer from the C-band area? I'm sure it's an excellent lnb! Just can't confirm it for you?

I have one and it has worked flawlessly for the last year. I can't compare performance with anything current as it was a replacement for an old chapparral 50K LNB that was attached to the feedhorn that was given to me for free. All I can say is that the old LNB was not stable enough for my receiver to lock on to low symbol rate transponders (~4MS/s and below) whereas with the Norsat it has no issues.

I'm also of the opinion that the L.O. stability is just as important and maybe more important than Noise Figure - which has become a marketing tool these days and the numbers quoted are starting to look like pure fantasy.
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