Old Dog needs to know new tricks

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Oct 24, 2009
I haven't had my Big Dish fired up for over 5 years. I was surprised today when I turned on my Chapparral Monterey 95 with my Channel Master Videocipher RS module and went to channel 7 on Satelite C3 and found C-Span. Of course at this point I don't have programing yet but I will get to that. I tried to reset up my receiver and just found out how mutch has changed in 5+ years. So what I need to know is where I can go on the internet or this Forum to find out what I have missed in that time period.
More specifically
1 What are the new Satelite Names and where are they located?
2 What are the programing parameters for the frequencies, polarity Etc.?
3 Since my Chapparral probably does not have these Satelites listed what are comperable ones that I can rename?
4 Where are the best programing deals?
5 What are the questions (and answers) that I don't even know what to ask after all this time?
I hope to get up and running again with the "Big" Dogs. Nebr UFO :confused:
i have never owned a montery receiver. I don't know how to program one. everything is pretty much digital now. You need an HD fta receiver that is dvb s2 capable like a pansat 9200HD and there are others. The pansat will blind scan each satellite and find the transponders unlike most of the others. Most of the HD fta boxes how digital tuners that will tune over the air tv signals from an antenna (over the air digital tv) a rooftop antenna works best.

You can put a splitter that passes dc voltage on your c band coax and connect a fta box.
You use your analog montery to move the dish and control the polarity (vertical or horizontal) of you are using a servo motor type feedhorn like a chaparall corotor or similiar.

there are still some analog feeds on g16 at 101west. I don't know what that is labeled as in your montery.
Icebergs's sticky post "what satellite is where" is a reference I use to sort this question out.

Can't figure out how to post the link though, sorry.

Good luck, Eric
OK so it sounds like everthing (almost) is digital and so I am dead in the water? Is there a place that shows the Analog stations vrs digital? The pansat 9200HD receiver will cost me about $300 so I'm wondering if I should pursue or not? The use to be a lot of downfeeds in analog but I imagion that is dried up also? All of the purchased programing has gone to digital? How about used digital receivers so that I can get a taste of what the new world is like?
Thanks for all the help guys and gals.
Analog is almost gone. Look at Lyngsat and you don't see much NTSC.

You don't really need a 9200HD to get going with digital. The Pansat 3500 is a good SD box and pretty cheap on e-bay. If you want a new box (over a used one) the sponsers offer STBs in the $100.00 class that will work fine. If you are devoted to getting HD feeds, etc. I'd look at the Azbox. It has been said many times though, that is NOT a starter box. Also no blind scan at this time, so a Pansat 3500, 2700, 2800, or many others would be good. I'd stay away from viewsat, sonicview, nfusion and probably some more. They are designed for a slightly different market segment.

Good Luck, Eric
the sat's are in the same place so if the Chapparral Monterey 95
is still getting g-4 16 and c-pan you are good.
i remember those boxes they were top's in the day.
get a splitter like truckracer said. and get a cheap box to check it out. buy any pansat (save the 9000 no scan)or a coolsat 5000 or 6000.
you gotta hi-def TV ?
most sports feeds are HD now so if you are big sports fan.
just lay down the cash for a HD box. pansat 9200 with the S-2 add on board will get you for over 400 bucks.
cheap for us Old Dog's
Chapparral Monterey 95 $1,000.00 or more years ago
let us know what you like to watch.
good luck

thanks B.J. for the chart cool.

i use this one all the time
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I haven't had my Big Dish fired up for over 5 years. I was surprised today when I turned on my Chapparral Monterey 95 with my Channel Master Videocipher RS module and went to channel 7 on Satelite C3 and found C-Span. Of course at this point I don't have programing yet but I will get to that. I tried to reset up my receiver and just found out how mutch has changed in 5+ years. So what I need to know is where I can go on the internet or this Forum to find out what I have missed in that time period.
More specifically
1 What are the new Satelite Names and where are they located?
2 What are the programing parameters for the frequencies, polarity Etc.?
3 Since my Chapparral probably does not have these Satelites listed what are comperable ones that I can rename?
4 Where are the best programing deals?
5 What are the questions (and answers) that I don't even know what to ask after all this time?
I hope to get up and running again with the "Big" Dogs. Nebr UFO :confused:

Relative to what sats to rename, etc, I have a page at:


that shows how various sat positions have changed over the years. There are a couple mistakes on the page, and it is in need of updating again, but it might help you identify which of the sats in your Monty 95 correspond to the current sats. I wouldn't bother trying to re-name them, it will just confuse you more. I'd just make a list of what 2 digit name corresponds to what current sat. For the current sats, go to Lyngsat to see what is there, ie:

North & South America - LyngSat

Re the Monty 95, I've been using a Drake 1824 for the past 14 years or so, but had a Monty 50/55, and my Drake kind of went beserk a month or two ago, so I've replaced the Drake with the Monty, and am slowly learning how to use it. The Drake was a LOT more user friendly than the Monty, but the Monty has some features that the Drake didn't have, so I guess it's a tossup.
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