So I just finished having a new roof installed on my house, and in the process the workers apparently removed my Dish Network dish. They didn't disconnect anything, and placed it back in the same position it was in, pointing it in the same (general) direction. Now I have complete signal loss, signal code 11-12-11, error 015A on my Hopper 2. I have an appointment for a tech to come out and align it, but I'm still out $50 if that happens, and I'd really like to avoid that if it's unnecessary. I also have no obstructions whatsoever in the sky.
I found my all of my aiming information, which I'll list below if that helps. I'm in zip 19958. I was pointing at the 61.5/72 satellites before so I used that information on to generate these numbers:
Elevation: 45.1
Azimuth (true): 176.1
I see nothing about skew, which is another factor I've been reading about.
Can I just verify the elevation on the dish is correct and then point it in that direction using a compass? I also noticed that there is an audible tone emitted in the diagnostic section of my Hopper 2 when I choose a satellite under signal strength. Does this pitch change as I get closer to locking onto the satellite? I ask because I don't have access to an assistant for this, but I could hear the tone outside.
Thanks in advance!
I found my all of my aiming information, which I'll list below if that helps. I'm in zip 19958. I was pointing at the 61.5/72 satellites before so I used that information on to generate these numbers:
Elevation: 45.1
Azimuth (true): 176.1
I see nothing about skew, which is another factor I've been reading about.
Can I just verify the elevation on the dish is correct and then point it in that direction using a compass? I also noticed that there is an audible tone emitted in the diagnostic section of my Hopper 2 when I choose a satellite under signal strength. Does this pitch change as I get closer to locking onto the satellite? I ask because I don't have access to an assistant for this, but I could hear the tone outside.
Thanks in advance!