Question about a BUD

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 16, 2006
North West of St. Louis, MO
Hi Guys,

Now that I have my first dish up and operational, I had procured a 2nd dish for my family's setup, which has been put on hold for a while until I recover from the finances expended on my first setup. But I wanted some opinions on the second dish I have.

It is a Perfect 10 7.5' mesh BUD. The specs on it are as follows:
F/D ratio = .375
Gain @ 4GHZ = 38.7
Gain @ 12GHZ = 45.6
Percent Efficient = 60%
Focal Length = 33.75"

The condition of the mesh is much better than my 10 footer, almost perfect. The hole sizes are about the same. A pencil lead just goes through the hole.

The thing that I think that is unique about this dish is the polar mount. If I am correct, it is a horizon to horizon polar mount. It has an 18" Von Weise V76-8 I believe, actuator on it that works. I hooked up my dying Drake to it just to see if it works, and it does. Pretty quiet and smooth.

I am going to include some pictures of the dish and mount, and I would like your opinions as to whether I should sell this one, and find another 10 footer? Or give this one a shot?

Can I expect as good SQ with this dish because the surface is so much better, or is the size going to kill it?

Here are the pics:
p10-75-2nd.jpg p10-hole-size.jpg p10-polar-mount-hh.jpg

See how the polar mount is offset to the left of center. On my 10 footer, the mount is dead on the center. Will this type of polar mount allow the dish to swing further from East to West?

Thanks for your comments and opinions, :)


PS, It will be a little while before I actually try to do something with this dish.
Hi Fred, I can't really answer your questions, as I don't know. My guess would be, it should get further travel, east and/or west, because it's lighter (my guess) than the 10' dish. Which I think will allow the actuater to travel a little further before the flop issue arrise's. But, the design could very well make the dish travel better/further, who knows?

Hey Al,

Me neither. The dish is much lighter, both in design, and what it takes to pick it up. 2 men can easily lift it and move it around even with the actuator and mount.

It looks like it would travel farther, but that is why I am asking, hoping someone would know.

I still would like to know how much signal I might lose given the above situation.

Thanks, Fred
I'd say a dish in the hand is worth two in the bush. Sink a pole robust and tall enough to accommodate a 10' or 12' foot dish, mount the 7.5 on it and experiment. I expect you will be happy with the results, but if not the infrastructure will be in place for a larger dish.

Looks like the offset mount provides the actuator a mechanical advantage and additional clearance toward the east end of its travel.
That's true GrumpyGuy,

I am hoping that it works out, but you are right, if the right pole/mount is in place, another dish could be substituted.

I hope you are right about the East end of the travel. I would like to get over to 30W eventually if possible.

Thanks, Fred
It's not a true horizon-to-horizon mount, but the offset design does allow it to travel farther to the east before it flips. To maximize the travel, adjust the actuator clamp so that when it's fully retracted, you're just a little to the west of the far west satellite.
Fred, why don't you set it up for an eastern arc. I'm assuming your current one is set up for a western arc. Then you should be able to get Hispasat, and further, probably?
And, looking at the polar mount picture, I can't tell how you adjust the elevation. Is there a way, or is something missing, or do I need some glasses (I'm sure I do)?

The elevation is not showing in the picture.

Here is another pic that shows the declination and elevation adjustments.


I don't know whether it can be reconfigured for an Eastern Arc.


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Getting some signal

Success!!! 4dtv/dc-ii+ Hdtv On A Mini Bud!!!!

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