Question on Locals on 110 or 72.7


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 10, 2008
Los Angeles
With the recent changes. Can anyone enlighten me if Los Angeles Locals are now available in HD on 110. I see this in the uplink activity.
Also are the New York Locals on 72.7 conus beam open to every one or is it still distant.

I believe LA locals were only on 129 earlier. Has this changed? Realllllly would appreciate any insights.
Thanks All. I was almost going to call Dishnetwork and do some switches. Wish they had Either NY Locals HD on 72.7 or Los Angeles HD Locals on 110. Currently I get my HD from an OTA antenna using the vip922. If you don't have LOS, shouldn't they open up the distant as the person is already eligible.? I had discussed this with a executive support and they said that they have sent the programming request but that does not lead to anything.
actually Nielsen determines your DMA

Having no LOS is not Dish's problem and is not a crutch to get something else

Also DIsh can only sell distants to RV'ers/semi drivers who submit the paperwork
Although the interpretation might sound correct, if you look into the requirements, there should be a workaround. Now the difference is that Dish or Nielsen do not want to make adjustments is a different ball game.

My opinion is that If I do not have a LOS for my locals, be it New York or Los Angeles, dishnetwork should provision the other satellite where the exact same channels come through. Now the other satellite channel package can be named in any fashion such as Locals or Distants, but at the end of day they are the exact same transmission similar to HBO on 129 or 72.7.

I currently subscribe to HBO, STARZ and the dish installer couldn't install the 129 due to LOS and suggested cancellation of total service. I called dishnetwork and asked them for an EA Arc dish at my location in Los Angeles and they refused stating that the EA Dish would not function and there are no installers that have that equipment. I paid another installer to install the EA Arc dish and now receive 61.5 and 72.7 at a very decent signal and all my channels come in just fine with the three sats (118, 61.5 and 72.7)
Now the difference is that Dish or Nielsen do not want to make adjustments is a different ball game.
No, that IS the ballgame. Dish can not carry locals on every satellite, period. They don't have room now for everything in HD. And they can not give you anything but the channels the FCC says you can get.

I paid another installer to install the EA Arc dish and now receive 61.5 and 72.7 at a very decent signal and all my channels come in just fine with the three sats (118, 61.5 and 72.7)

Yes, and you don't get your locals through Dish now. I don't blame them for not installing a system that can't get everything you pay for. (and no, locals are not free)

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