Question Regarding Name Based Recording


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster

I'm not exactly all that "tech-savvy" so if this is a stupid question, I apologize :)

If they do announce name based recording will be availiable (which I am hoping will happen because on my cable I had a stand alone Tivo and I loved all the features)will it be a software update that will be able to be downloaded to my 510? Or will you have to buy a different system to get it?

Also, would that include the ability to be able to do season passes (my favorite feature)?

Honestly so far I've enjoyed my Dish DVR a little bit better than Tivo, but mostly because it's integrated into the reciever like DirecTivo is, and because it's not nearly as slow as my old series 1 Tivo was, so it's not the Dish DVR that I like better as much as I like Dish DVR better than my specific Tivo.

Sorry for the rambling :)
Name based recording will be a software update. All DVRs should get it.

I'm sure Dish will have some variation of the Season Pass feature.

Actually, a directivo is just as slow. That's a big advantage of Dish DVRs, their menus/guides are much faster than Tivo's.
AppliedAggression said:
Name based recording will be a software update.
True. If it ever happens - see below.
AppliedAggression said:
All DVRs should get it.
Maybe, but even if so, not necessarily at the same time. There's at least 3 different software platforms in use, and all will require different coding.
AppliedAggression said:
I'm sure Dish will have some variation of the Season Pass feature.
Why? Because they said so? That's more an indicator that it will NOT happen.

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