Rainbow Media Unveils DIVINE HD First Ever 24/7 High-Definition Gay Movie Channel Exc

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I think he is just talking about the name of a station. Like BET. Just name it WET. Play movies with famous white people in the leads. That will create the controversey. And that dosen't even have anything to do with racism, and is a good point, but how did we get off on this topic?
red ufo said:
... We live in a world when every minority can have a group, or a sat channel except the poor old straight white male.

It is simple, red ufo, straight white men are not (and rightly so) considered a minority.

red ufo said:
Even a consideration of this idea is slammed as racist.

I think that the idea of White Entertainment Television (WET) would be silly. Would you be seriously interested in the idea and the programming?

red ufo said:
Because 'straight' and 'white' are forbidden from grouping together into a special interest like everyone else can. I think its fascinating how everyone gets a special nitch on TV but them.

Who or what prevent you from forming such a group? Can you cite any law?
stucky_boss said:
I think he is just talking about the name of a station. Like BET. Just name it WET. Play movies with famous white people in the leads. That will create the controversey. And that dosen't even have anything to do with racism, and is a good point, but how did we get off on this topic?

Most movies have white people as leads. How does this differentiate itself from other movie channels?
red ufo said:

You proved my point.

Look, the sheet comment was meant to be funny, thats all. I just don't understand how people get all heated over tv channels like it was life or death. I don't like Nascar. But I don't go ranting and raving all over the internet because a tv channel shows it. And I don't go preaching to everyone how they are wrong and will go to hell for liking it. Its great for those who do watch it and do enjoy it. I just don't watch it. Period. I watch something I do like. I'm not gay, and really would never consider it (although I doubt its a choice). But who am I to judge other people and what they want to do, if its not hurting me? I answer to myself and noone else, and outside of my family noone is required to answer to me. Its pretty simple.
DenR said:
What kind of shows would you put on a "white" channel?

Hell I don't know.

Perhaps on 'White TV' Golf, Wall Street Journal, Billy Joel videos, Hockey, Fishing, New Yankee Workshop, WWF, Monster Trucks, Nascar, 90210, Melrose place, OC. Hell whatever WASP do from upstate NY.

On the 'Straight Network'

All Chuck Norris movies, Bruce Lee, and T&A flick, straight porn, Girls gone Wild TV series, Monster Garage, no movies with borderline pussies for like Hugh Grant or Patrick Swazee. Its not really about what you put on but what you selectively don't show, like no Bird Cage, and no chick flicks, no Boy George and British people we think are straight but find out are gay years later such as George Michael and Vin Diesel (<<stealth gay dude). Rule of thumb if you your a celebrity that is seen at Lakers games instead of Monster Truck or Nascar you out.

Just joking around here.! :)
stucky boss has a good point you couldn't even have a channel called WET. There are no laws against it but the PC media will hang your ass within a week. People like Jessy Jackson, Rosie O, and other media whores will jump all over your ass for the name of the channel alone.

But on subject. A gay TV channel will be watched in many Voom homes. If not by men the wifes or GF have a fascination if the gay lifestyes (like how guys do with Jenna Jameson).
cyuhnke said:
Further, I cannot endore the Epics channel until it includes Braveheart. Patton is great, but Braveheart is the ultimate Epic. IMO

OH MAN How did I forget that one??? That's a great movie.

IMHO, the ultimate Epic is Lawrence of Arabia. How is this movie not on the Epic-HD channel like 3 times a week minimum?

BTW, we already have WET, it's called "Walker, Texas Ranger". Best. Show. Ever. :D
Aww man PlayboyHD is only for the poor old white male?

since I am not "old" and "poor" I guess I can't watch!

WET, GAYTV, LOGO, HOMOTV, BI-TV, SWM (sraight white male) and many others are all ok in my book.
stucky_boss said:
THE BIBLE IS FACT. it is the word of God.

I was raised and schooled as a Catholic, and you know what, that statement is a total crock of you-know-what.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone that takes the Bible literally needs to have their head examined. It's definitely the 'greatest story' ever told...that I'll agree with.
Mr. Biggles said:
I was raised and schooled as a Catholic, and you know what, that statement is a total crock of you-know-what.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone that takes the Bible literally needs to have their head examined. It's definitely the 'greatest story' ever told...that I'll agree with.

AWWW Finally some support in here!
Seanb61 said:
AWWW Finally some support in here!

You got it.

I'll go further to say that if the choice between having a gay couple move-in next door vs that of some Bible beaters, the gay couple would win out in a second. I could easily deal with that situation because they wouldn't force their lifestyle/beliefs down anyones throat. Now your Bible beaters are another story. They have one agenda on their mind with every breath they breath. Spreading the word of the Lord. Accept or be subjected to eternal damnation blah blah blah. It's sickening actually.
So to sum up what we've got so far:

Voom has added a gay movie channel to replace one of the Cinema 10 channels.

Current Arguments:
The Bible is fact, or it isn't

Evolution happened, or not

Homosexuals are going to hell, or they aren't

Straight white people should have their own channel, SEPERATE from all the other straight white channels. (what about OLN?)

Braveheart is an awesome movie, and "Walker, Texas Ranger" kicks a$$.

Moderator: If you want to make this the second post of the thread and save a lot of people some time and effort, it's ok with me. :D
I've only portions of this thread but it just goes to solidify my belief that most people in the world just are not that bright.

Hypocrisy runs wild and no one who objects in this thread can probably spell the word tolerance, even though its supposedly the backbone of whatever religion you are using to argue for keeping things like this off the air.

I'm atheist, don't believe in the whole higher being thing, if you do thats great, if you don't, thats great too. This is a perfect example of why we have the problems we have today, religion, or more to the point the belief that because YOU believe it something, it must be right. I never say I'm right in what I believe, I may be very wrong, but at least I'm not a hypocrite in what I believe.

I'm more pissed at the fact that some right winger can come on and tell me what I should and should not be watching versus them putting programming out there and letting an ADULT INDIVIDUAL make a decision for him or herself.

If more time was spent practicing what everyone preaches the world would be a better place. Take the time to think for yourself instead of letting someone else do it for you.

Everything must have balance and it shows here that many people lack the ability to create that balance. If you don't want your kids watching it then don't let them watch it, simple as that. If you can't handle it, don't have kids. Thats pretty cut and dry right there.

You believe what you believe and do what you do, but don't push your beliefs off on me or the society we live in. I don't push my beliefs on anyone, you think what you want to think, do what you want to do but when you start judging things out of pure stupidity and fear then your just showing your lack of intelligence.

I'll probably never catch a single thing on there, although the wife and I did see Kissing Jessica Stein at the theatre.

I'd be interested to find out how many of you right wingers caught The L Word everytime it was on or watch programming that is against your beliefs, but like most its selective and you apply your idea's and beliefs when it suits your personal feelings and use them as a crutch to argue a point that you could not possibly do yourself.

Oh, before you start the liberal crap I'm a Republican, don't buy into alot of their social values but with anything where there is a will there is a way and honestly their economic policies benefit the wife and I far more than their social misdirection :)
Mr. Biggles said:
I was raised and schooled as a Catholic, and you know what, that statement is a total crock of you-know-what.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone that takes the Bible literally needs to have their head examined. It's definitely the 'greatest story' ever told...that I'll agree with.

The bible can be taken literally, although that is not what I was saying, but you have to be able to understand the meaning, the truth, and the context of it. Only God can help you with that.
Eric_C said:
I've only portions of this thread but it just goes to solidify my belief that most people in the world just are not that bright.

Hypocrisy runs wild and no one who objects in this thread can probably spell the word tolerance, even though its supposedly the backbone of whatever religion you are using to argue for keeping things like this off the air.

I'm atheist, don't believe in the whole higher being thing, if you do thats great, if you don't, thats great too. This is a perfect example of why we have the problems we have today, religion.

I'm more pissed at the fact that some right winger can come on and tell me what I should and should not be watching versus them putting programming out there and letting an ADULT INDIVIDUAL make a decision for him or herself.

If more time was spent practicing what everyone preaches the world would be a better place. Take the time to think for yourself instead of letting someone else do it for you.

Everything must have balance and it shows here that many people lack the ability to create that balance. If you don't want your kids watching it then don't let them watch it, simple as that. If you can't handle it, don't have kids. Thats pretty cut and dry right there.

You believe what you believe and do what you do, but don't push your beliefs off on me or the society we live in. I don't push my beliefs on anyone, you think what you want to think, do what you want to do but when you start judging things out of pure stupidity and fear then your just showing your lack of intelligence.

I'll probably never catch a single thing on there, although the wife and I did see Kissing Jessica Stein at the theatre.

I'd be interested to find out how many of you right wingers caught The L Word everytime it was on or watch programming that is against your beliefs, but like most its selective and you apply your idea's and beliefs when it suits your personal feelings and use them as a crutch to argue a point that you could not possibly do yourself.

I am not going to waste my time with this anymore. With posts like this it is evident that some people will never undertsand.
stucky_boss said:
The bible can be taken literally, although that is not what I was saying, but you have to be able to understand the meaning, the truth, and the context of it. Only God can help you with that.

Anyone that hears someone state that the Bible is 'fact' will conjour up the word 'literally' as meaning the same.

I'm Catholic remember. I like to believe that my religons main message is about forgiveness, tolerance and understanding. Not some BS that anyone that doesn't accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior is on a one way trip to Hell.
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