Rules would require recorders to encrypt TV shows

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
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Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
By Paul Davidson, USA TODAY

Federal regulators this month are expected to adopt controversial rules requiring new technology in electronics products to prevent digital TV shows from being traded on the Internet the way some music is shared today.

TV broadcasters say the "broadcast flag" will not stop consumers from copying shows but is needed to protect programs from being pirated online. "I own The Simpsons (news - Y! TV)," says Fox's Andrew Setos. "Why should I license my show ... if it's on the Internet?"

Entire Article Here
They had a short story about it on today's TechTV's Screensavers.

I think that it will really hurt HD recorder sales if it gets adopted. Who wants to spend that much money on hardware that will only record some programs (and the programmers control that) or limit how a recorded program can be viewed?
I seen that on the ScreenSavers. It seems like there would be so many limitations that some manufacturers would question even making any product for HD. There will have to be some type of compromise made.

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