SC free movie weekend (10/20-10/22)


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 4, 2005
Canton, Oh
From the SC website

"From October 20 through October 22, 2006, Eastern Star Choice customers can enjoy a free preview of The Movie Network (ch. 299) featuring three days of unique programming."
If you get the same thing we had on ExpressVu last week you may be disappointed. We didn't actually get TMN, we got a watered down down showing different programs and a banner that was constantly appearing saying "call 1-888-skydish" to order.
No banner on SC - because this is the TMN preview feed for cable companies. But I agree what a joke - I thought they would at least open up the HD channel for the preview like HBO/Starz do.
If you get channel 603, check it out after 11pm or so!! If you like those movies with (ADULT) in the title!

Never see that kind of stuff on Skinemax, but if ch 603 is not included in the Free Preview, just ignore little old me!
they did have a banner a couple of times during the movies (D* does the same thing on their free previews) and that was kind of annoying. The free bug in the corner bugged me at first but soon I was mentally ignoring it....not too bad selection of movies though. I suspect they showed their best movies because they where all pretty new and I havent seen a movie channel do that in a long time...I'm sure if I subscribed it would not always be a collection like that.

* Choice CW?

Bell ExpressVu Uplink Report - 10/23/2006

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