Settings For DishPro LNBF

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 8, 2005
Northern Rockies
I would like to hook up my spare FTA receiver to my Dish Network satellite dish to receive the free audio channels on 119W. It has a DishPro lnbf...what number do I need to enter for that one? Will it work through a DP34 multiswitch, or do I need to have a separate cable coming directly from the 119 dish to the FTA receiver?

you need a straight line from the LNB to the diseqc switch. The DP34 acts like a diseqc switch.

If you have a blind scan box, set the LO to 10750 and scan V only. DishPro stacks the frequencies and makes everything Vertical

I have a Dish Pro Plus LNB aimed at 110 and 119 with a another Dish Pro LNB connected to the Dish Pro Plus aimed at 61.5 If I connected the Dish 500 to my other FTA receiver would I be able get NASA, Angel and the audio channels?
I dont know about DishProPlus

Legacy is easy to work with. Both H & V are there
DishPro is tricky with the stacked frequencies and V only

Never worked with DPP....try it. You might be able to get it but I know with a DishPro Twin (not a DPP) the left coax (if youre holding the LNB in your hand) is 119 and the right is 110
Yep, I was on 110, The Dish Pro Plus LNB has 3 ports, 2 outputs to run two receivers, and the other port is an input port to add another LNB which I have a Dish 300 on for 61.5. So I only have one cable running to each Dish receiver. The diseqc switch is built in to the LNB.... I wonder if there is a way I can switch the diseqc switch in the LNB to 119?
Set LO to 11250. Setup 119 on Diseqc 1 and 110 on Diseqc 2. Take all of your even transponders (2, 4, 6 etc) (H) and subtract them from 25600. The sum of that will be your new (V) transponder. For example

12239 H (Tp2) is standard freq
13361 V (Tp2) is DishPro Freq
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