So I feel I am truly setup in the arc at the moment as well as I can be with a 76 cm dish. I am pretty much maxed out of my south bird at 87* and hitting the LPB at around 70 quality and the Florida lotto channel at 25 pct or so. Down close to the end of my western arc at 125* I am hitting the PBS HD around the mid 50's. However in the middle around 99* I am not getting as high a quality readout as I have had before when I was adjusting. I had 99* on Infowars hitting in the 50's but now in the teens. However I had lower pct on 87 and 125. I know in retrospect if you have your southern and far west sats peaked as high as they can go you are in the arc. I just find it strange how you can go up or down a bit and pull more quality pct out of the sats in between but then your others will be off. Maybe it is my receiver. I have Geosat 3500 and another funny thing I can hit 7 pct quality and watch hd channels with no glitching! Does anyone else experience this? As a perfectionist it drives me nuts! Here is what I am currently hitting right now.
Lpb hd 70 pct quality
News source 83 pct q
Florida lotto 25 pct
Florida channel 58 pct
Nothing found yet. Cant tune in the religios channels
91 *
News one feeds at 12011 v 13333
70-80 pct depending on time of day?
Cctv as high as 89 pct but hitting feeds better when having the cctv tp at 82 pct??
University network at 36 pct
Can tune in some tps up to high 70s but then it knocks down the univeristy channel to 5 pct.
99* infowars 18 pct
Rtn 59 pct
Video one test pattern 42 pct
Nbc hd plus cozi tv transponder 50-53 pct but weird signal. Can go down to 20s and up to 50s without motor move.
Echo feed can tune to high 80s but then it has interference from 103 sat.
Reuters 25 pct
Hope channel high 80's
Daystar 81 pct
Pbs hd mid 50's
I am thinking I am locked in well for a 76 cm but the signals confuse me because i can adjust sats to get a highet signal but it lowers the others and vice versa. I am however hitting my southern sat as high as I can go and hitting my western sat about as high as it can. On 97 it is strange because peaking certain tps will lower others quality pct. It drives me nuts because seeing a 25 pct quality makes me feel like I can hit it better but then again you can watch stable tv at 7 pct on this receiver. Anyone else notice this type of thing? Maybe it it the geosat 3500.
Lpb hd 70 pct quality
News source 83 pct q
Florida lotto 25 pct
Florida channel 58 pct
Nothing found yet. Cant tune in the religios channels
91 *
News one feeds at 12011 v 13333
70-80 pct depending on time of day?
Cctv as high as 89 pct but hitting feeds better when having the cctv tp at 82 pct??
University network at 36 pct
Can tune in some tps up to high 70s but then it knocks down the univeristy channel to 5 pct.
99* infowars 18 pct
Rtn 59 pct
Video one test pattern 42 pct
Nbc hd plus cozi tv transponder 50-53 pct but weird signal. Can go down to 20s and up to 50s without motor move.
Echo feed can tune to high 80s but then it has interference from 103 sat.
Reuters 25 pct
Hope channel high 80's
Daystar 81 pct
Pbs hd mid 50's
I am thinking I am locked in well for a 76 cm but the signals confuse me because i can adjust sats to get a highet signal but it lowers the others and vice versa. I am however hitting my southern sat as high as I can go and hitting my western sat about as high as it can. On 97 it is strange because peaking certain tps will lower others quality pct. It drives me nuts because seeing a 25 pct quality makes me feel like I can hit it better but then again you can watch stable tv at 7 pct on this receiver. Anyone else notice this type of thing? Maybe it it the geosat 3500.