Slaving a DSR922 receiver

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 25, 2010
New England
I am trying to slave my dsr922 from my openbox and whenever I plug the coax into the dsr and turn it on i lose signal on openbox. this doesn't happen with my commercial dte receiver. I am not sure what the issue is. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
Yes I had to buy a splitter a non power passing 2 way. I let the 4d change polarity as on analog channels u just have to press channel up down lol. I have the same setup friend
Another yes. I just turn off the Openbox S9 and it works fine. The DSR922 puts out a lot of juice... it causes alot of conflict, but I use them both and a Viewsat Pro all connected to the same TV with many input options...
Well I have my Cband signals coming in through port 3 on the Diseqc switch. How will I be sure that it stays on port 3 with the DSR? Do you slave yours through the Openbox?
Whoa that sounds like the issue. So this miracle device just blocks the lnb power from the DSR and lets the openbox send the signal to it? And it will get enough signal? I'm in!
Cool I found one that says 5-2300mhz. Is that enough for all of the satellite signals? Isn't it 950-2150 or something like that?
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Back on C band after 15 years What about the LNB and feed horn?

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