sv 8000 adding more satelites

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Apr 13, 2007
Ottawa Ontario Canada
Hello all. I've looked everywhere.But does anyone know the steps how to add AMC 9(or any new) to the sat list in the 8000? I am at the point where I added it as a new sat but can't find out how to put the location(83 w) in the menu so my dish motor will go to that position.I've tried many times to figure it out but can't seem to get anywhere on it Thanks
To add a satellite w/remote -high lite satellite in installation menu, push enter, then at the bottom of the screen "red button" add satellite, now as far as the degree of a sat, not with remote have to use a channel editor. now the channel editor that I use was from over the pond an the info was wrote in german, "Eys_S80.12HD_CHANMASTER" name of it after down loading it, but I think channel master also supports it too.
Thanks captain.I may try this.Do you know if I have to save my channels on the usb prior to loading this? Can I reload them and get them back. Also , how does this editor give me the sat orbital location, if I don't have 83.0 w in my list. ...
well if you got that same channel editor that I use good luck, like I said it instructions where wrote in german, an lucky for me I have a german customer that reworded to english, but it works, an like I said it came from over the pond. an is not intended for SV, but was intended for a european clone of SV, got it in Aug-2007.

now I also beleive that Channel Master by sharpC also supports SV, have never used it I am so use to the eruo one now.

the way I use it is upload you're channel list on usb, then move to compt in a folder, then open that list with the channel editor. now another good thing to do is keep a blank list on hand in compt also. my SV runs a 1.2meter dish from galaxy-27 over to Telstar-12, an it is slave from 2 10-footer also, but the blank list contains no channels, only satellite name an satellite locations, current transponders an switch settings.

also on another note if you delete all of the sat transponders on the satellites that are not viewable in north america it also will help it out alot. an watch if you do a lot of scanning an get a bunch of transponders an channels in the SV you may find it lock up from time to time an that is when you go over 2500 or more channels, I try to keep mine under 2000.
channel master sharpc

Found out how to add amc 9 (83w) to my sv8000hd sat list.Found another channel master program,but by sharpc.This is a great program allowing the owner to edit sattelite channels,transponders etc.So I found a way to add amc9,or any other new sat.I save all my work to a file then transfer back to box through usb.I think I will also go through the sat list to delete any sat out of my range.I will have to tinker with this program to figure out how to get all this stuff to work.But I think I'm on my way there. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction..tb
Well captain , I tried using channel master version 1.20.3 (sharpc) I am able to save channels/delete/or move them.I save on usb stick then transfer.I can add new sattelites on the program,save to usb also But when I transfer entire file 2.4 mb the saved changes of adding a new sat(83w) do not appear on the list.In other words 82 .then 84 apear ,no 83 in sat list.Do you know what I may be doing wrong,or anyone else know?I tried several times but I must not be doing the steps properly.Thanks
Did you reorganize the channels in Channel Master so that they are in numerical order? If not the satellite might be at the top or bottom of the list.

One more thing with channel master...When you are going to save the file to transfer to your USB stick, you do not simply save straight to the stick. You have to use the export feature to make sure that the file is in the correct format for your receiver. The correct format for SV is a bin file. If your receiver recognized the file you made you did this step correctly.
Well captain , I tried using channel master version 1.20.3 (sharpc) I am able to save channels/delete/or move them.I save on usb stick then transfer.I can add new sattelites on the program,save to usb also But when I transfer entire file 2.4 mb the saved changes of adding a new sat(83w) do not appear on the list.In other words 82 .then 84 apear ,no 83 in sat list.Do you know what I may be doing wrong,or anyone else know?I tried several times but I must not be doing the steps properly.Thanks

Now the CM by SharpC I use with my Pansats here, but to save what you have done, I click on file (upper left of screen) an down to "save as" an click on it, then a window will pop up where you got the file from (folder, shared documents, ect.) an ask you if you want to replace it, then click on yes an should be saved.
Ok,thanks for the replys.I am going thru the steps as above.When I open the file on the sv in the menu,it shows it as 2.09mb.I then click on it,and it scans or reads the file.I wait,then I have on the screen 2 files.The original file and the channel file which is about 250kb.I click on the channel file and it installs,and asks to reboot.So I do and nothing really changed.The channels are the same because I keep them the same(and in the same order)from the sattelites at the top of my list thru to the bottom.All channels on each sat appear normal on the display.But the new sat I add(83w) still doesn't apear in the list.It does initially because I added it and saved it.But the problem apears to be when I transfer the saved file.Maybe it's in the wrong format? I will have to read more on this.Still fun trying to get this to work though.It's what the hobby is about,learning about how these things work.Thanks guys
Tobor DO NOT LOAD that channel master file in the receiver, you may damage the SV-8000.

Ok just went to sharpC site an down loaded that same file 1.20.3, an just ran it, an then loaded back to SV just did a test to see how it worked an it worked well better than the Euro verison that I have been using for years. I may change over to use this 1 now, but at that time CM did not support the SV-8000.

Ok this is how you need to run it.
1st upload you're Channel data to usb from the SV 8000, have you're stick clean so that is the only file on it.

now take stick to compt an put it in a file or folder that you can get to easy, an you KNOW where it is.

Now open up SharpC channel master file, (will have a blank screen with SharpC in a box in the middle close it out, just the SharpC box) an run it, an over to left will see block on left of screen favorites-groups- satellites an all will be empty.

now just above that you will see file click on it, (small block will apear) go to import -- wizard- click it--block will come up-select Sonicview- then select SV-HD-8000-- select next click on it-- now go to where you put you channel data from the usb stick, another screen pop ups high lite it then select open-- an then click on next-- next --next.

now you should have you're channel list that was uploaded from the SV8000 right in front of you.
to delete satellites just click on them an push delete on key board. don't do this to quickly mine crashed at first so take you're time on deleting.
to change a name double click an 2nd block will apear to change any settings that you whish, then hit ok at bottom of block an it is saved.
To add a satellite--click on edit (top of screen next to file) then click on add satellite--block will apear to add degree an so on.
to move a satellite just drag an drop.

now when you have made you're changes click on file an then click on "save as", the same block will pop up where you had you uploaded channel data, then click on save-- then click on yes.
now all the changes are save in the HD SV-8000 channel bin file.
format usb to Fat32, this will clean stick so nothing is on it.
send HD SV-8000 Channel Bin File to that usb stick.
remove from compt an take it to the SV8000, an insert it.
-----remember to click on "remove saftley" icon----

now to load on the Sonicview
menue>>>usb select file list--hit ok- (should see same nane of the channel bin that you uploaded before) hit ok--- an the SV will load you new channel list in.
after it loads will have block pop up, select --I reboot now--hit ok.

after it loaded turn receiver off with switch on back, then back on, an you should see what you have done, to the satellite list an names.

hope this helps it took me longer to write all of this than to delelet about 40 satellites an change 2 satellite names, an reload it back to the SV. this new version is real easy to use, so you should not have a problem.
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No luck. I am ok with all the steps as above .In saving ch data to usb.Transfer to new folder.Run cm sharpc,through the wizard ok.I deleted all east sats,added 83w .Saved as into the same new folder.After I save I see HD8000.cmpro,with the cm logo and says channel master project,1,819kb.If I run this in sharpc my new changes are ok. From here I put this file on usb,correct?Because this file contains the changes I made.I put this file to receiver,the receiver reads and splits into another smaller file which reads HD8000chanbin 334 kb. I select s/w update the receiver writes bin and reboots.However I am back to the original sat list as before the one I saved(all east sats are back) so not sure how to get the saved sat data out of this.Somewhere I'm not doing something correct.
No luck. I am ok with all the steps as above .In saving ch data to usb.Transfer to new folder.Run cm sharpc,through the wizard ok.I deleted all east sats,added 83w .Saved as into the same new folder.After I save I see HD8000.cmpro,with the cm logo and says channel master project,1,819kb.If I run this in sharpc my new changes are ok. From here I put this file on usb,correct?Because this file contains the changes I made.I put this file to receiver,the receiver reads and splits into another smaller file which reads HD8000chanbin 334 kb. I select s/w update the receiver writes bin and reboots.However I am back to the original sat list as before the one I saved(all east sats are back) so not sure how to get the saved sat data out of this.Somewhere I'm not doing something correct.

Some thing is not right when you saved it back to to you're orginal bin file that was uploaded from the SV. my orginal from SV with all of its satellites an transponders was 336kb, an after the deleting it was 302kb. an you do not want CM to make it owen file put it back in the bin file it came from.

now if you are having a problem as "save as" try to export back to the orginal bin from the SV. the difference could be how you're compt runs it, here I use XP-pro, wife has vista on hers, an I tried Vista here but went back to the XP-professional, seems to work better for stuff like this, at least for me.
also to check if it was saved right into its bin file re-open just what you just save. when doing this you should close it all out an start like you are just beginning again.
Very strange.Could be how the file is saved, I'll try again maybe tomorrow.It's hard to get the receiver without someone watching it.I have to wait until they use the antenna instead. thanks
Ok.I tried it again.Got to save as.When I do send the changed file it sends the whole cm project(1.77mb) Some how I found a way to send it again.It now is cm file but in bin format.My original channel file from sv is 328kb.When I delete unused sats and such it now becomes 297kb.Does this sound right?Now I send this new 297kb file directly to usb ,and is saved ok.I take to sv in menu and it reads file and then I see 2 files.The sv seems to split it.A cm project file(297kb) and a new bin file that splits off it,also 297kb. I then press ok an choose s/w update and it installs bin,chose reboot stc.When the sv boots on Icheck sat list and it's still original list ,not the downsized one.I tried this several times,same result.I hate to bother ppl about this,but I never used any cm program before.It's all new to me.But I still want to figure this out,so I can better manage channel deletions,sattelite deletions/additions so on.Something is still not right...
Ok , I checked it out.It is a Jan 1 2008 version factory file,original to this unit.

just check mine here an its v402, now you can get it at "sonicviewusa" mine is labeled in its folder as "HD_P_MAS_14AUG2008_v402".

now I don't know if it will help you or not? or if it is the way you are trying to work an save you're satellite setting using CM on the compt, but it may be worth a shot.

what I would do 1st upload you channel list an save it in a file in compt, if this works you wont need it.

then go to sonicview an read instructions how to update you're receiver soft-ware, may want to print it out. then down load it an extract it.

then do a master clear on the SV load current factory firm-ware an master clear again, now you will have no sats or channels. now upload a blank satellite list on you're usb stick take it to compt an do you're deleting an editing, when you're done try to export (export takes a few more steps but it may work for you) it back to that same bin file the same way you inported it (you're blank satellite list) now reload it back in SV.

Edit: when you "export" it DO NOT use "save as". just follow the steps --next--next--finished

an this should work, as long as you are saving it right.
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