SW64 problem



Original poster
I have a 5000, 6000 and 721 connected to a SW64 from a Dish500 and 61.5 dish.

All three receivers are failing the switch test (input 2B, and even channels on 110 are gone). I replaced the SW64 (not the power inserter) but get the same thing with the new one installed. I have swapped the 2A and 2B inputs at the SW64, thinking it might be the LNB but the switch test still fails input 2B.

Any clue what is happening ?

Are the next steps to replace the power inserter then remove the receivers one at a time ?
It sounds to me like you do have a bad LNB. The way the sw64 works is by commanding the each of the inputs to request a specific connection to the LNB it is wired to. The "B" inputs always request the even numbered transponders. I suspect the LNB is not responding to the command to switch to even transponders.

You will probably need to swap out the LNB.
Could also be the power inserter since you didn't replace that! If it is not working at all or putting out lower power then it should it would give you similar errors.
And make sure the lead that carries that power to that switch doesn't have any faults itself. Bad or loose connectors, bad coax. Check it all. I've ran around a house 1 whole day on a nightmare similar to yours. Then I refitted the connector to the power injector.

Dish 119 Even Transponder Problem

HNS Readies Vegas Facilities

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