Swapping out of a Sammy 360

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 22, 2004
New Orleans, LA
Question... Does the D* monthly "protection plan" allow you to swap out of a reciever that sucks as bad as the 360? If so, then let's say that you are thinking about adding the protection plan to your account... how long do you have to keep the protection plan before you can swap an existing reciever? :smug
cr0mag said:
Question... Does the D* monthly "protection plan" allow you to swap out of a reciever that sucks as bad as the 360? If so, then let's say that you are thinking about adding the protection plan to your account... how long do you have to keep the protection plan before you can swap an existing reciever? :smug

Call DTV and ask to speak with a level 2 technical support person. (that is the only one they said that oucle order HD receivers) I also had a Sammy and spoke to them and was very stern that I did not want that receiver because it did not work. Flashing balc during shows and the voice being off sync. They then send me another receiver and I sent mine to them....Hope it helps
Thanks guys... can you believe the hoops that the 360 series owners are having to jump through? I mean come on..... even if I bought the reciever at Best Buy, the damn thing exists simply to make use of D*'s service. They should either do something to fix the thing or replace them all together. After all, their name is on the front of the box and they surely had some input into the design of the box.
To be honest, I haven't tried BB as the purchase was back in November. I suppose it's possible that they may do a trade out, but I'm going to wait at this point to see the reviews of the H10 and hold out for a sowftware upgrade on the 360 before I start trying to change out the reciever.
You may as well wait until the MPEG-4 conversion takes place. I have the 360 also and don't have much of a problem with it. Sure Fox and ESPN-HD are sometimes an issue, but not enough for me to make a stink about. I would think that they would have to replace all of the HD boxes to become compatible when MPEG-4 rolls around.

Read THIS post regarding an e-mail the OP got from Bob Marsocci at D*.
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