tiger woods in car crash

Here is some more....and this is the best response I have seen so far...and coming from a guy I RARELY agree with:

Here's the truth behind the Tiger Woods scandal

by Jason Whitlock

Updated: December 10, 2009, 4:48 PM EST

There's more money and less intellectual effort in judging, vilifying and diminishing Tiger Woods than in providing the public a lens to understand him and a sports world/culture that long ago was perverted by television's money and fame.

It takes no courage or thought to recognize Tiger's personal failure. He, as far as we know, shamed his wife and family. We can assume Tiger's Swedish wife adopted our American marriage value of strict monogamy, and she is mortified and shocked that her ridiculously famous, handsome, billionaire husband gave in to the temptation of road beef.

Yes, assumption is the platform from which all insightful ideas, opinions and perspective are based.

Armed with the supposition that this brown-skinned golfer has irreversibly harmed an attractive, blonde-haired, blue-eyed white woman, much of the sports media have turned Elin Nordegren into Natalee Holloway and reached for ratings and relevancy by traveling the route paved by Nancy Grace.

There is, believe it or not, another direction to explore. There is another reality we can reluctantly accept. If we choose, we, the media, can do our job and put Tiger's transgressions in their proper context and explain to the public what happened to the perceived traditional ideals of the sports world.

The high-character values and morality we've ascribed to the male and female athletes who entertain us were a myth in the 20th century and a flat-out impossibility now.

When television took control of sports 40 years ago, athletes became America's first reality TV stars and no different from daytime soap opera stars.

When television's money and spotlight began turning 20-year-old athletes into instant millionaires, celebrities and brands, the Jordans, Peyton Mannings, LeBron James, Roger Clemens, Tiger Woods and Michael Phelps of the world became no different from Jon Bon Jovi, Mick Jagger, George Clooney, LL Cool J, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Elizabeth Taylor and Robert Redford.

How many women do you think Jagger bedded in his prime? His wealth, fame and looks pale in comparison to Tiger's. When Phelps returned from the Olympics, he hit a bong and the strip clubs, bedding strippers, according to gossip magazine testimony, two and three at a time. You think when Phelps finds the love of his life, he'll dial it back and satisfy himself with vanilla sex when his wife decides to give it to him?

That's right. Men who grow up eating at five-star steakhouses often happily learn to love Hamburger Helper five nights a week.

We're outraged and stunned that Tiger has had a dozen alleged affairs. The typical rock or movie star is laughing and/or questioning Tiger's sexuality if the golfer limited himself to a number below 50 since marriage and 500 in his post-puberty lifetime.

The notion that golf, with its history of unapologetic racism and sexism, is somehow filled with men of impeccable integrity is a hysterical lie propagandized by hypocritical white men willing to commit the same crime they charge Tiger and his sponsors pulled off: the upholding of a patently false image.

"You play golf to drink with your boys, smoke cigars and talk about (sex)," former NBA player John Salley told me Wednesday. "And now we're surprised that a golfer was having sex. We think Tiger is the only one. Why are we treating Tiger like he's elected to public office? He plays golf, man."

Here's the truth behind the Tiger Woods scandal - Golf News - FOX Sports on MSN

There is MORE and a must read....
Great post thank you very much!!!!!:up
Here is some more....and this is the best response I have seen so far...and coming from a guy I RARELY agree with:

Here's the truth behind the Tiger Woods scandal

by Jason Whitlock

Updated: December 10, 2009, 4:48 PM EST

There's more money and less intellectual effort in judging, vilifying and diminishing Tiger Woods than in providing the public a lens to understand him and a sports world/culture that long ago was perverted by television's money and fame.

It takes no courage or thought to recognize Tiger's personal failure. He, as far as we know, shamed his wife and family. We can assume Tiger's Swedish wife adopted our American marriage value of strict monogamy, and she is mortified and shocked that her ridiculously famous, handsome, billionaire husband gave in to the temptation of road beef.

Yes, assumption is the platform from which all insightful ideas, opinions and perspective are based.

Armed with the supposition that this brown-skinned golfer has irreversibly harmed an attractive, blonde-haired, blue-eyed white woman, much of the sports media have turned Elin Nordegren into Natalee Holloway and reached for ratings and relevancy by traveling the route paved by Nancy Grace.

There is, believe it or not, another direction to explore. There is another reality we can reluctantly accept. If we choose, we, the media, can do our job and put Tiger's transgressions in their proper context and explain to the public what happened to the perceived traditional ideals of the sports world.

The high-character values and morality we've ascribed to the male and female athletes who entertain us were a myth in the 20th century and a flat-out impossibility now.

When television took control of sports 40 years ago, athletes became America's first reality TV stars and no different from daytime soap opera stars.

When television's money and spotlight began turning 20-year-old athletes into instant millionaires, celebrities and brands, the Jordans, Peyton Mannings, LeBron James, Roger Clemens, Tiger Woods and Michael Phelps of the world became no different from Jon Bon Jovi, Mick Jagger, George Clooney, LL Cool J, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Elizabeth Taylor and Robert Redford.

How many women do you think Jagger bedded in his prime? His wealth, fame and looks pale in comparison to Tiger's. When Phelps returned from the Olympics, he hit a bong and the strip clubs, bedding strippers, according to gossip magazine testimony, two and three at a time. You think when Phelps finds the love of his life, he'll dial it back and satisfy himself with vanilla sex when his wife decides to give it to him?

That's right. Men who grow up eating at five-star steakhouses often happily learn to love Hamburger Helper five nights a week.

We're outraged and stunned that Tiger has had a dozen alleged affairs. The typical rock or movie star is laughing and/or questioning Tiger's sexuality if the golfer limited himself to a number below 50 since marriage and 500 in his post-puberty lifetime.

The notion that golf, with its history of unapologetic racism and sexism, is somehow filled with men of impeccable integrity is a hysterical lie propagandized by hypocritical white men willing to commit the same crime they charge Tiger and his sponsors pulled off: the upholding of a patently false image.

"You play golf to drink with your boys, smoke cigars and talk about (sex)," former NBA player John Salley told me Wednesday. "And now we're surprised that a golfer was having sex. We think Tiger is the only one. Why are we treating Tiger like he's elected to public office? He plays golf, man."

Here's the truth behind the Tiger Woods scandal - Golf News - FOX Sports on MSN

There is MORE and a must read....
Everytime I read stuff like this I wonder what the writer has to hide. And Tiger Woods isn't black.
Nicklaus: Woods' issues his own...

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. -- Jack Nicklaus said the fallout over Tiger Woods' car crash and allegations of extramarital affairs is "none of my business."

"Our public is pretty forgiving at times," Nicklaus said Thursday. "Time usually heals all wounds. I think the hardest thing is obviously his family. That's a private matter for him and his family."

Jack Nicklaus wants to respect Tiger Woods' privacy - ESPN

Nice to hear the voice of reason....:cool:
Note to Jason Whitlock:

Shame on you for bringing race into this. Stating that the fact that this involves a brown-skinned golfer married to a blonde-haired, blue-eyed white woman is even worth mentioning is repugnant at the very least. :eek:

The press has with equal vigor gone after Roger Clemens, Alex Rodriguez and others, so your point is irrelevant...and just plain wrong.

There are other holes in your story, but nothing of the severity of you mentioning race as a factor. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately there are so many times in this country when race IS a factor, when race DOES bring about certain types of behavior depending on the situation, that bringing race up when it is not a factor hurts people who are actually discriminated against.

Just terrible.

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This just keeps getting stranger and stranger. I wonder what Eldrick's legal bills are so far...

A British court has granted Tiger Woods an injunction prohibiting the publication of any nude pictures of him -- not that the golfer is acknowledging that such photos exist.

"For the avoidance of doubt, this order is not to be taken as an admission that any such photographs exist, and in the event that these photographs do exist, and it is not admitted, any such images may have been fabricated, altered, manipulated and or changed to create the false appearance and impression that they are nude photographs of our client," Schillings said in a letter sent to legal departments of British publications.

British court blocks Tiger Woods photos - CNN.com
Note to Jason Whitlock:

Shame on you for bringing race into this. Stating that the fact that this involves a brown-skinned golfer married to a blonde-haired, blue-eyed white woman is even worth mentioning is repugnant at the very least. :eek:

The press has with equal vigor gone after Roger Clemens, Alex Rodriguez and others, so your point is irrelevant...and just plain wrong.

There are other holes in your story, but nothing of the severity of you mentioning race as a factor. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately there are so many times in this country when race IS a factor, when race DOES bring about certain types of behavior depending on the situation, that bringing race up when it is not a factor hurts people who are actually discriminated against.

Just terrible.


Note to Sandra....

HOW do you know race is not a part of it? Honestly... 2ndly, ALL of the athletes you mentioned were NEVER chased around about infidelity as bad as Tiger. When their infidelities were aired out, it was done in a couple of days...a week max. But this is gone strong for 2 weeks with LITTLE sign of letting up. SO this thing about being covered "with eqaul vigor" is ridiculous at best.
Note to Sandra....

HOW do you know race is not a part of it? Honestly...

I already spoke to that.

2ndly, ALL of the athletes you mentioned were NEVER chased around about infidelity as bad as Tiger.

Because their main issues were about steroids, not infidelity. Don't narrow ther subject.

When their infidelities were aired out, it was done in a couple of days...a week max. But this is gone strong for 2 weeks with LITTLE sign of letting up. SO this thing about being covered "with eqaul vigor" is ridiculous at best.

This is not an infidelity issue when you compare it to Clemens and A-Rod, so don't make it that. Infidelity was a peripheral issue with A-Rod, the main issue was steroids.

The comparison I made is how the press badgered Clemens and A-Rod just as much as they badgered Tiger, so it is not a racial issue.

Which brings us back to the fact that a writer turning this into a racial issue minimizes the persecution of those who are actully discriminated against.

I already spoke to that.

Because their main issues were about steroids, not infidelity. Don't narrow ther subject.

This is not an infidelity issue when you compare it to Clemens and A-Rod, so don't make it that. Infidelity was a peripheral issue with A-Rod, the main issue was steroids.

The comparison I made is how the press badgered Clemens and A-Rod just as much as they badgered Tiger, so it is not a racial issue.

Which brings us back to the fact that a writer turning this into a racial issue minimizes the persecution of those who are actully discriminated against.


Boy, you are so off it's scary. The ONLY issues that the Tiger issue is IS infidelity. And NOTHING to do with steriods...:rolleyes:

When I talked with sociologist Dr. Harry Edwards, he addressed the racial dynamic more seriously.

"If Elin were black, this would be on the scale of Mike Tyson and Robin Givens," Dr. Edwards explained. "It would've lasted a while and then it would just go away."

That may sound preposterous to some, but it's not. The media and the public overreact to whatever crimes/unfairness befall an attractive white woman (Natalee Holloway). Jordan, Ali and Magic all managed to play on their black wives without receiving much criticism. Shaquille O'Neal just finished off the remaining credible pieces of his marriage to a black woman by allegedly having an ongoing affair with Gilbert Arenas' fiancee. No one cares. But this brown-skinned golfer is facing ruin because he cheated on his white wife.

Hmmmmm...makes ya think...
The ONLY issues that the Tiger issue is IS infidelity. And NOTHING to do with steriods...:rolleyes:

No kidding. The comparison is that the media has gone after Tiger with the same vigor that they went after Clemens and A-Rod regarding steroids. Equal opportunity badgering.

And they do it because it's news, not because Tiger is brown-skinned. You can mention race all you want, I don't buy it and I don't think many others do either.

For this to go away, or at least get off the front page, Tiger will have to do a real public mea culpa, not like the scripted one written by his PR staff where he tried to portray himself as the victim. Hey, how about an Oprah interview!! :up It's worked for countless other famous people in the same situation. As a people, we may not forgive but we will eventually forget.

Throwing money at people to keep quiet and putting up legal obstacles only makes the situation worse.

Until then, the tote board count of women linked to him will continue to grow as well as all of the other soap opera stuff swirling around.

Of course, if none of this really happened, then he should keep his mouth shut... ;)
No kidding. The comparison is that the media has gone after Tiger with the same vigor that they went after Clemens and A-Rod regarding steroids. Equal opportunity badgering.

And they do it because it's news, not because Tiger is brown-skinned. You can mention race all you want, I don't buy it and I don't think many others do either.


That's BS and you know it! Let's just compare the A-Rod infidelity and Tiger's news. After the whole Madonna affair broke out....it was heavy for about a week....it might have gone on for 10 days. Was there women parachutting from everywhere with "proof" of emails and text? Did they have EVERY SINGLE tabloid, INCLUDING tabloids from Europe parked on their property? Yesterday, while flipping channels around, Entertainment Tonight dedicated an ENTIRE SHOW on the lastest news to the scandal...an entire show?!! And the most ironic thing is A-Rod LIVES IN NYC, the tabloid and media frenzy capitol OF THE FREE world...and they STILL didn't cover it as wild as they have with Tiger. Can you imagine if Tiger lived in NYC??

Another example....when Kobe was accused of raping this young woman in Colorado. It was heavy news ONLY because she accused him of rape. But the frenzy was no where near as bad as this. They made VERY LITTLE about him cheating on his wife....but alot about the alleged rape. The ONLY big deal about the cheating he did, he bought her a $5 million dollar ring.

So the media coverage being equally.....yeah....right, you keep believing that.:rolleyes:
That's BS and you know it! Let's just compare the A-Rod infidelity and Tiger's news. After the whole Madonna affair broke out....it was heavy for about a week....it might have gone on for 10 days. Was there women parachutting from everywhere with "proof" of emails and text? Did they have EVERY SINGLE tabloid, INCLUDING tabloids from Europe parked on their property? Yesterday, while flipping channels around, Entertainment Tonight dedicated an ENTIRE SHOW on the lastest news to the scandal...an entire show?!! And the most ironic thing is A-Rod LIVES IN NYC, the tabloid and media frenzy capitol OF THE FREE world...and they STILL didn't cover it as wild as they have with Tiger. Can you imagine if Tiger lived in NYC??

Another example....when Kobe was accused of raping this young woman in Colorado. It was heavy news ONLY because she accused him of rape. But the frenzy was no where near as bad as this. They made VERY LITTLE about him cheating on his wife....but alot about the alleged rape. The ONLY big deal about the cheating he did, he bought her a $5 million dollar ring.

So the media coverage being equally.....yeah....right, you keep believing that.:rolleyes:

You did not address my point, you made up your own points, which is a different discussion.

For this to go away, or at least get off the front page, Tiger will have to do a real public mea culpa, not like the scripted one written by his PR staff where he tried to portray himself as the victim. Hey, how about an Oprah interview!! :up It's worked for countless other famous people in the same situation. As a people, we may not forgive but we will eventually forget.

Throwing money at people to keep quiet and putting up legal obstacles only makes the situation worse.

Until then, the tote board count of women linked to him will continue to grow as well as all of the other soap opera stuff swirling around.

Of course, if none of this really happened, then he should keep his mouth shut... ;)

Good idea.

As big of a sport's star that Tiger is, he's still a very unknown personality. He rarely does interviews and up until this incident, he has kept his personal life under wraps. If the nation can get to know the real Tiger and see that he's just a vulnerable human being like the rest of us, it's possible it will speed up the forgiving process so we can all move on.
That's BS and you know it! Let's just compare the A-Rod infidelity and Tiger's news. After the whole Madonna affair broke out....it was heavy for about a week....it might have gone on for 10 days. Was there women parachutting from everywhere with "proof" of emails and text? Did they have EVERY SINGLE tabloid, INCLUDING tabloids from Europe parked on their property? Yesterday, while flipping channels around, Entertainment Tonight dedicated an ENTIRE SHOW on the lastest news to the scandal...an entire show?!! And the most ironic thing is A-Rod LIVES IN NYC, the tabloid and media frenzy capitol OF THE FREE world...and they STILL didn't cover it as wild as they have with Tiger. Can you imagine if Tiger lived in NYC??
I don't think you can equate Tiger's situation with any of the others you mentioned. Are any of the others a billion dollar human corporation that was built on a squeaky-clean family image?? Other than maybe OJ, I can't think of anyone else who has fallen so far, so fast....
Nicklaus: Woods' issues his own...

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. -- Jack Nicklaus said the fallout over Tiger Woods' car crash and allegations of extramarital affairs is "none of my business."

"Our public is pretty forgiving at times," Nicklaus said Thursday. "Time usually heals all wounds. I think the hardest thing is obviously his family. That's a private matter for him and his family."

Jack Nicklaus wants to respect Tiger Woods' privacy - ESPN

Nice to hear the voice of reason....:cool:
Nicklaus is Pure class. Has always been my favorite golfer since is was like 14 years old.

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