VOOM Program Schedulers!!!!!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 19, 2004
Thanks for some of the OAR stuff we have seen on cinema. I really am enjoying the cinema channels. I have a request. Until someone can actually get Sci-fi in HD can you try to push some more sci-fi stuff? I like the old Godzilla flicks, etc.., but don't really consider it sci-fi. I would think that one of those cinema channels with good HD sci-fi would be a good sell.
occammd said:
Thanks for some of the OAR stuff we have seen on cinema. I really am enjoying the cinema channels. I have a request. Until someone can actually get Sci-fi in HD can you try to push some more sci-fi stuff? I like the old Godzilla flicks, etc.., but don't really consider it sci-fi. I would think that one of those cinema channels with good HD sci-fi would be a good sell.

Agree! I am not a Sci-Fi buff, but do we really need a second HD Cinema Gunslingers channel? Anyway, I contacted VOOM and requested they change the name and format of this channel to HD Cinema Science Fiction.

More Sci-Fi Please!

I am a Sci-Fi buff, and I would like to support the prior two suggestions of more Sci-Fi movies on the existing HD Cinema channels and/or an HD Cinema Science Fiction channel. Thank you.

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