well, I can tell you right now your only getting 8 tuners on that and your using 7 unless you use 1 tuner on your HDDVR. But either way, you'll need to upgrade your lnb if they have em available to a 16 tuner and add another splitter and possibly another power inserter. Or......you can go traditional and have a Slimline 5 lnb with 4 lines coming off it going into a swm expander and 2 legacy swms with 2 swm splitters and change out your power inserters to the 29v instead of the 21V like you get now. Matter of fact, if you have no idea on how to handle this, just get directv to do it. The guy who gets the w/o should see that you have a swm and should come prepared with the right equipment for you or just have D* to notate on the w/o to bring expanders. The guy should call you anyway first thing in the morning to verify with you the equipment you have so he'll know what to bring.